From: Jeffrey Kass, DPM
Dr. Chaskin brings up an interesting point about the unfairness of the New York podiatry scope. I find it absurd that in order for a podiatrist in New York to treat skin above the ankle, the doctor must be board certified in forefoot and rearfoot surgery. What other medical profession has a board certification requirement by law to treat patients? This law is so absurd. I have younger colleagues who finished three-year surgical residencies and are adept at treating ankle conditions and performing ankle surgery, yet are forced to take their patients to New Jersey to treat their patients because the process in New York takes time to complete.
I agree with Dr. Chaskin that there are numerous lawsuits that can be brought to change the current status quo. Aside from what I mentioned above, there is the fact that “interstate commerce” is being affected. If a doctor is competent to perform an ankle surgery in New Jersey, then they are competent to perform it in New York. Every day I read how various professions are increasing their scope of practice....nurses, NPs, PAs, etc. I wonder when podiatry is going to jump on the bandwagon.
Jeffrey Kass, DPM, Forest Hills, NY