Podiatry Management Online


Podiatry Management Online
Podiatry Management Online


Continuing Medical Education

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Welcome to the innovative Continuing Education Program brought to you by Podiatry Management Magazine.

  • You may enroll:
    1. On a per issue basis (at $35 per topic - which is 1.5 credits) or
    2. 10 Pack (15 credits), for the special introductory rate of $299 (a $51 dollar savings). YOU MAY CHOOSE ANY 10 EXAMS OF THE 35 POSTED
    3. To enroll, just click on a CME topic below - and you will be presented with enrollment options!
    4. We do not limit you to how many you can take here, but each state may. Check with your state to see how many credits you can take online!
    5. New: All tokens are valid until December 31, 2027!
  • If you answer seventy (70%) percent of the questions correctly, you will receive a certificate attesting to your earned credits. You will also receive a record of any incorrectly answered questions. If you score less than 70%, you can retake the test at no additional cost.
  • We have computerized the cme process. You can now view all of the tests you have taken, reprint the certificate if needed, take tests online and get an immediate grade and certificate. You can see how many test tokens are remaining in your subscription. You can even mix taking tests online and by mail or fax. (Although tests taken by mail or fax might not show up on the website for 2-4 weeks).
  • All lessons are approved for 1.5 hours of CE credit.
  • All Podiatry Management CME's are approved as Category 1.
  • For help with payments made on this website use the Contact form
  • For help with tests or payments made by mail, fax or phone, call Program Management Services at: 516-521-4474.
  • Podiatry Management Magazine is approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education as a provider of continuing education in podiatric medicine. Podiatry Management Magazine has approved this activity for a maximum of 1.5 continuing education contact hours. This CME activity is free from commercial bias and is under the overall management of the Podiatry Management Magazine.
  • IF you are close to a deadline, keep in mind that we are located in NY and the system works using EASTERN TIME ZONE date/time. Use the online system if time is critical - because if you mail or fax the test in, the certificate will be dated with the date it is marked, not the date you sent it

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