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The Voice of Podiatrists

Serving Over 10,000 Podiatrists Daily

November 24, 2007 #3,100 Editor-Barry Block, DPM, JD

A service of Podiatry Management
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COPYRIGHT 2007- No part of PM News can be reproduced without the
express written permission of Kane Communications, Inc.

Big Tax Bill for 2007? Consider an ultrasound machine! (CPT 76880, Natl avg $86, Machine cost $8000* Limited time only. Lease-to-own: $198/m. $0 down, 90-day no payment)

Ultrasound imaging systems are now easily affordable and becoming a practical alternative to MRI for many cases. Our survey indicates about 100 paid studies (about 3 paid studies/month for a 60 month lease-to-own program) pays for our machine. Many insurance companies have taken notice of the capabilities as well as the cost savings of ultrasound and started to require ultrasound studies before approving an MRI. (*Price includes a new digital machine, 10 Mhz probe and carrying case. Limited Qty. First come, first serve.)

As an expert of foot conditions, why send a patient to a sonographer? Why send the revenue across the street when you can keep it in-house? We provide on-going training to support you over the phone, online and in-person so you can make full use of your system. Call us for the reimbursement and CPT codes at 301-694-6369. Email: (T1101)

CA Podiatrist Uses Personal Story to Inspire Women to Pursue Their Dreams

Dr. Holly Spohn-Gross, was the keynote speaker at a luncheon held by The Kern River Valley Committee of the Women's and Girls' Fund, and moved the audience to tears with her tale of growing up with a cleft palate and cleft lip. She spoke of the pain of being ridiculed as a child, not only by the other children, but by her own mother, as well. 'All of us have flaws and scars that we hide,' said Spohn-Gross. 'I couldn’t hide mine; it was right there on my face.'

Dr. Holly Spohn-Gross

Wanting to be noticed and appreciated, Holly began running, and was soon the star of her high school track team. In fact, she did so well that she received a scholarship to Western Michigan University, where she ran track until she got stress fractures and couldn’t run on the team any longer. She had the desire to become a doctor, and was not going to let anything stop her. 'My advisors told me I couldn’t do it, my mother told me I couldn’t do it, but I believed I could,' she said. '’Dream, reach, and believe,’ became my motto.'

Spohn-Gross encouraged all of the women and girls in the audience to be strong and pursue their own dreams with determination and tenacity. 'It is pain that defines us as people; no one can overcome life’s obstacles without enduring pain. You are women and by default have to overcome adversity. To take responsibility is to take control, and it is up to you to do this,' Spohn-Gross said.

Source: Kern Valley Sun (CA) [11/21/07]

Introducing the SOS Practice Preserver Program

A new one-of-a-kind subscription service provides podiatric practice management

If you have ever considered hiring a practice management consultant to review and monitor your practice’s performance, but were constrained by the cost, the new SOS Practice Preserver Program may be perfect for you. For a cost as low as $99.95-$129.95 per month, SOS Healthcare Management Solutions will analyze, benchmark and track your practice data monthly and provide you with specific recommendations that will allow you to improve your practice’s financial performance.

Click here to learn more about this exciting offer or call 1-866-832-6767.


Brim Re-Appointed to WA State Podiatry Board

Governor Chris Gregoire has announced that Stewart Brim, D.P.M. of Spokane has been reappointed to a term effective October 29, 2007, ending June 30, 2012. Brim is in private practice at the Medical Foot Center in Spokane and is the medical director of the Spokane Surgery Center. He is a member of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

The Board examines candidates for licensing or registration; investigates charges of malpractice, unsafe conditions or unprofessional conduct; conducts disciplinary hearings and recommends and adopts rules and regulations to promote the safety and protection of the public.

Source: WA State Governor’s Office [11/21/07]

Codes for Podiatric Medicine and More! 2008 (20th Edition)

Volume One, ICD-9-CM Codes for Podiatric Medicine (includes E codes, V codes, and more) is available beginning October 1, 2007. Volume Two, CPT, HCPCS, Diabetes Coding, Wound Care Coding, DMERC and Diabetes Shoe Program information, modifiers, etc., will be delivered beginning January 1, 2008. An optional CD is available with purchase of manuals. $85 for each two-volume set. CD’s $15 each with paid manual order.

This is the publication that thousands of podiatrists have been using for years. Easy-to-use. Comprehensive. Don’t forget, I’m available to answer your coding questions with your paid subscription!

Place an order early to reserve your copies. For an order form:
Fax: (619) 294-9604 ..Email: ..Mail: Martin R. Taubman, DPM, MBA, 3330 3rd Avenue #402, San Diego, CA 92103

HRAs Replace Traditional Retiree Benefits as Employers Scramble to Reduce Costs

Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) are slowly replacing more traditional retiree health benefits as large and jumbo employers hunt for ways to reduce costs while retaining coverage, industry observers say.

"This is a definitely a trend for large companies that offer retiree benefits. We started noticing it about five years ago, and it has continued to strengthen," says Frank McArdle, who heads up the Washington, D.C., office of Hewitt Associates. "As more companies move in this direction, it gets the attention of other employers." The trend is likely to pick up steam, McArdle predicts, but will be slower to catch on among employers that have a union population. Unions have traditionally opposed account-based health plans because they are seen as a reduction in benefits.

According to a Sept. 27 Wall Street Journal article, Kellogg Co. last month told 1,000 Medicare-eligible retirees from its Keebler unit that their health coverage would be replaced by an HRA as of Jan. 1. Moreover, Ford Motor Co. will replace its group coverage for 57,000 salaried retirees and their spouses with an annual $1,800 HRA contribution on Jan. 1. Retirees will put those dollars toward individual coverage or to supplement Medicare coverage.

Source: Inside Consumer-Directed Care [11/21/07]



January 17-20, 2008

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To register online, visit or phone 800.966.9056

Codingline-NYSPMA "Strictly Coding*" Seminar
Seminar Sponsor: ICS Software (The Sammy Systems)

January 24, 2008 ("The day before the NY Clinical Conference") - Marriott Marquis

Topics: Medicare & CPT 2008 Update - The Medicare Carrier Shuffle & What It Means to You - DME Update - How in the World Do I Code This? - Modifiers Continued - Legally Yours: What if... - Coding Controversies - - Q&As

Speakers: Barry Block, DPM, JD (Sponsored by Doak Dermatologics); Harry Goldsmith, DPM; Mark Schilansky, DPM (Sponsored by Organogenesis); and Paul Kesselman, DPM (Sponsored by NaturalStep; Advanced Biohealing).

8.0 PMAC CEUs and prior approval of the American Academy of Professional Coders for 7.5 CEUs have been obtained. Click on for details and registration information.

For a list of all meetings go to:


Query: Fracture and Laceration Coding

A new patient presented to the office after banging her 5th right toe. The injury resulted in a fracture of the proximal phalanx that was displaced, and a laceration at the sulcus of the digit. I injected local anesthesia, manipulated the proximal phalanx back into position, and sutured the laceration. Any ideas on how to bill this?

Adam Klein, DPM, Lynbrook, NY

Response: Your clinical description indicates the following :

CPT 28510 - closed treatment of fracture, other than great toe, with manipulation

CPT 12001 - simple repair of superficial wound, hands and feet, 2.5cm or less.

Note that the fracture code has a 90-day Medicare post operative period while the laceration repair has a 0-day post operative period.

Howard Zlotoff, DPM, Camp Hill, PA

Codingline subscription information can be found at:

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Free your sole®

RE: MRI Compatibility (Jeffrey Kass, DPM)
From: David T. Taylor, DPM

A metallic implant (pins, screws, wires, etc.) in the foot or ankle is not a contraindication for an MRI of the lower extremity or anywhere else in the body. Obviously, the image adjacent to the hardware will be distorted. Even if the implant is stainless steel and thus ferromagnetic, there is negligible (if any) risk for significant displacement of stable hardware.

For example, the notion that an MRI can't be done on a patient with a possible acute Achilles tendon tear that has had prior forefoot surgery with a metallic implant of any kind is false. Let's put to rest this example of inaccurate medical dogma.

David T. Taylor, DPM, Flint, MI,


Dicon Technologies is pleased to introduce KURx™, an advanced line of Extra-Depth Therapeutic/Diabetic footwear and inserts designed in accordance with the specifications for Medicare A5500 and A5512 reimbursement. Powered by Dryz® superior foam moisture management system incorporating X-Static®- The Silver Fiber® KURx™ science goes beyond the surface of the shoe to provide a fully controlled environment around the foot which eradicates odor, regulates temperature, eliminates moisture, provides Anti-microbial protection, reduces Friction and helps in the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers. Using patented technology, KURx™ is hailed as “The most technologically advanced therapeutic/diabetic shoe and insert to hit the market. Along with the APMA Seal of Acceptance, I strongly recommend these products for prevention and treatment of the non-diabetic and diabetic populations” Dr. Anthony R. Iorio
Go to or call Joan McCormack at (201) 785 8920 to learn more, place an order or make an appointment.


RE: Failure to Return Insurance Overpayment (Name Withheld)
From: Steven Repitor, DPM, David Secord, DPM

I regularly return insurance overpayments, ALWAYS ! Do it right away. Your practice is asking for trouble. Have a conversation with your bosses and tell them the profession expects them to do the right thing ASAP.

Steven Repitor, DPM, Detroit, MI,

Good luck having anyone pay attention to you if you report this to the authorities. When I bought my practice, we did an internal audit of a random 3-month period of the practice under the former owner and found (within just that 3 month period) $18,636.09 not refunded to patients or insurance companies. This was reported to the state of Texas insurance commissioner and the Attorney General, Medicare, Medicaid and all the private insurance companies involved. Nothing happened.

As far as I recall, the Texas Podiatric Medical Association) and American Podiatric Medical Association were contacted as the Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners and no one contacted me or paid notice. As far as I can tell, crime pays—if you can look at yourself in the mirror in the morning.

David Secord, DPM, Corpus Christi, TX ,

Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab, Inc the Only source for the Colorado Custom Brace™

Manufacturing of the Colorado Custom Brace™ has moved from Boise Idaho to our Colorado manufacturing facility allowing our staff to better serve your brace needs.

Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab, Inc is also proud to announce that the Colorado Custom Brace™ is now available in four colors and four flexibilities. The Colorado Custom Brace™ has become a mainstay in the brace market, providing the professional podiatric practice the ability to care for and treat a wider range of patient pathologies than most other braces on the market. Using circumferential control rather than rigid uprights the Colorado Custom Brace™ is well tolerated by a wider patient population. Colorado Custom Brace™ and Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab names you can build your practice on… to receive a complimentary casting kit for the Colorado Custom Brace™ call us at 800.968.RMOL (800.968.7665)


RE: Billing Insurance Companies For Free Exam (Name Withheld)
From: Bryan C. Markinson, DPM

Podiatrists in many instances offer their services for free such as community or hospital screenings, church events, organizational health fairs, etc. Everyone appreciates this type of activity.

However, the days when we offer services from our offices for free consultations where the only real hope is that the person responding has good insurance for the moment the "consult" is over, and "treatment" begins, should be long over. Those of us who continue this practice, do so along with trial attorneys (who work on contingency anyway), cosmetic huckster dermatologists and plastic surgeons (a specialty which cannot be compared). No other self-respecting group of medical practitioners offers free consultation.

While the offering of "free anything" may have proven itself to be a way to get people in the office, the offering itself becomes your most compelling credential. That is very sad. If you think that the public is impressed by "free," try charging $200.00 dollars or more for your initial consult to those who call without insurance or have high deductibles. After a year, let me know which method brought in the most income. I already know which one will impress more.

Bryan C. Markinson, DPM, New York, NY,

RE: Lytec EMR
From: Peter Gensheimer

There are some useful sources of information regarding Lytec and MediNotes. There is a Google user group with nearly 200 members. It is free to join and anyone can post questions. To join go to and simply enter your email address.

In addition to the Google Group, there is also an entire website devoted to Lytec training:

Peter Gensheimer, Simsbury, CT,


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Excellent opportunity for ethical & personable hard-working individuals to join a busy multi-office two physician practice. Looking for one podiatrist with interest in conservative care, including sports medicine and one podiatrist trained in rearfoot surgery. Rearfoot surgeon must be board eligible and working toward board certification. Competitive salaries, 401-K, health insurance, paid vacation and more. Please forward CV with references to


Home Physicians, a medical group specializing in house calls is looking to hire podiatrists. We are located in Chicago and Northwest Indiana. Full and part time positions are available. Competitive Compensation including malpractice. Contact Scott Schneider. Phone-773-342-4201 FAX 773-486-3548-E-Mail --

PART-TIME LONG-TERM CARE OPPORTUNITIES- Chicago, Peoria, & East St Louis areas

We specialize in providing conservative care to residents in long-term care settings. Immediate part-time positions available. Very flexible scheduling. Competitive compensation and expenses. Contact Dr. Brian Aronson. Phone-773-775-0300, or Fax resume to 773-775-0883

WEEKLY SPECIAL - One week of ads (5x) for only $85

PM Classified Ads Reach over 10,000 DPM's and Students

Whether you have used equipment to sell or our offering an associate position, PM News classified ads are the fastest, most-effective way of reaching over 10,000 DPM's. Write or call (718) 897-9700 for details. THIS OFFER DOES NOT APPLY TO BUSINESSES PROVIDING PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. Note: For commercial or display ads contact David Kagan at (800) 284-5451 Ext 110

Acceptance and publication by this newsletter of an advertisement, news story, or letter does not imply endorsement or approval by Barry Block or Kane Communications of the company, product, content or ideas expressed in this newsletter. Podiatric Medical News does not represent the views, and is a separate entity from Podiatry Management Magazine and Podiatry Management Online. Any information pertaining to legal matters should not be considered to be legal advice, which can only be obtained via individual consultation with an attorney. Information about Medicare billing should be confirmed with your State CAC.
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Barry H. Block, DPM, JD
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