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The Voice of Podiatrists

Serving Over 10,000 Podiatrists Daily

November 20, 2007 #3,097 Editor-Barry Block, DPM, JD

A service of Podiatry Management
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COPYRIGHT 2007- No part of PM News can be reproduced without the
express written permission of Kane Communications, Inc.

Aetrex Introduces New iStep Podiatry Kiosk

Aetrex is proud to introduce the iStep Evolution-Rx, the most advanced digital footcare kiosk ever developed for podiatric practices. This patented technology is designed to facilitate and enhance your footwear and orthotic services and features products from many world renowned companies. Designed in conjunction with The Walking Company and leading podiatrists, iStep Evolution-Rx will help you provide a higher level of patient care, generate substantial additional revenue, increase office efficiency and modernize your practice.

To learn more click here


FL Podiatrists Expand Wound Care Practice

Wound care is a growing specialty. Dr. Richard Brietstein, along with his partner Dr. Neil Strauss and new associate Dr. Jorge Rivera, all podiatrists, have developed a strong interest in this area. Brietstein’s group is based at University Hospital in Tamarac, but soon will be opening an additional office in eastern Broward County to service patients in that area.

Dr. Richard Brietstein (R) and Dr. Neil Strauss

Brietstein was responsible for opening the first wound care center in Broward County approximately 17 years ago at Florida Medical Center. "We are very specific in our approach to care," Brietstein said. "Our heal rates have been very satisfactory. Patients are pleased when we can save a limb that previously would have been lost to amputation. We have the ability to salvage limbs, prolong patients’ lives and allow them to live more productive lives." Brietstein often accomplishes this through a multi-disciplinary approach with vascular surgeons, plastic surgeons, infectious disease specialists, endocrinologists, and other medical specialists.

Dr. Brietstein is an adjunct clinical professor at Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine. Brietstein along with his partner Dr. Neil Strauss are also adjunct clinical professors in the Department of Geriatrics at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Brietstein is Clinical Director at the University Hospital Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Fellow American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, Diplomate American Academy of Wound Management, and Fellow American Professional Wound Care Association.

Source: David Volz, South Florida Hospital News [November 2007]

Codes for Podiatric Medicine and More! 2008 (20th Edition)

Volume One, ICD-9-CM Codes for Podiatric Medicine (includes E codes, V codes, and more) is available beginning October 1, 2007. Volume Two, CPT, HCPCS, Diabetes Coding, Wound Care Coding, DMERC and Diabetes Shoe Program information, modifiers, etc., will be delivered beginning January 1, 2008. An optional CD is available with purchase of manuals. $85 for each two-volume set. CD’s $15 each with paid manual order.

This is the publication that thousands of podiatrists have been using for years. Easy-to-use. Comprehensive. Don’t forget, I’m available to answer your coding questions with your paid subscription!

Place an order early to reserve your copies. For an order form:
Fax: (619) 294-9604 ..Email: ..Mail: Martin R. Taubman, DPM, MBA, 3330 3rd Avenue #402, San Diego, CA 92103


CA Podiatrist Cited for Philanthropic Work

For Dr. Holly Spohn-Gross, practicing medicine in the underserved communities of the Kern River Valley lets her make an immediate difference. The podiatric surgeon's philanthropic work complements her professional passions. She supports the Women's and Girls' Fund of Kern County.

Dr. Holly Spohn-Gross

"I have passion for helping our youth," she said. The Kernville resident donated to the fund because "I want to invest in our future, I believe that's where you start." Her giving is just one example of developments in women's philanthropy -- giving circles and funds that focus on women and children -- emerging in Kern County that reflect national trends.

Source: Jenny Shearer, Bakersfield Californian [11/16/07]

Dia-Foot Rolls Out New Diabetic Shoes for 2008

Dia-Foot has rolled out over 30 new styles from leading manufacturers for your patients for 2008. Patients get bored with the same old styles and want something new and refreshing. Dia-Foot introduces the PG Lites for Men and Women. Your patients will love these stylish yet comfortable shoes. The introductory price for the PG Lites is $89 with 3 pairs of pre-fab inserts and shipping!
Also Dia-Foot has rolled out from Dunham(a New Balance Company) Men’s and Womens’ steel toe shoes, Men’s steel toe and soft toe boots, dress shoes and a waterproof casual shoe. From New Balance Dia-Foot added the 992, 608, 965, 844, 926 and the Golf Shoe to its collection. From Hush Puppy the Glen dress shoe was added and 2 new Fisherman shoes for Men and Women were added from Orthofeet.
The Dia-Foot lab produces 4 different Custom Diabetic inserts including a cork base layer Diabetic insert for extra support. The lab is directed by one of our on staff Podiatrists. Turnaround time for custom inserts is on average of 3 business days. Go to or call us at 877-405-3668 for further information regarding Dia-Foot.


Legislation Targets Drugmaker Gifts, Incentives to Physicians

Thirteen states this year have seen legislative proposals aimed at limiting financial relationships between physicians and drugmakers. Most bills failed to pass, due to heavy pressure from pharmaceutical lobbyists, experts said, but new efforts are afoot.

The latest proposals include a Michigan bill that would make that state the second in the nation after Minnesota to place a limit -- $100 -- on the total value of gifts a drugmaker can give a physician in a year. Michigan and Massachusetts are considering so-called sunshine laws requiring drug companies to publicly disclose any gifts, payments, subsidies or incentives worth more than $25. The bills proposed this year exempt drug samples and payments for clinical trials from reporting requirements or gift limits. In September, a bipartisan U.S. Senate measure was introduced that would list gifts of more than $25 in a public, national database.

The American Medical Association's ethical code says gifts from industry should be of insubstantial value and primarily benefit patients. The AMA has not taken a position on the congressional or state legislation.

Source: Kevin B. O'Reilly, AMNews [11/19/07]

Innovations in Wound Management – Register Now for this Unique Program

· Are you concerned about maintaining your practice growth?
· Have you thought about expanding the wound management side of your practice for increased practice revenue? How to bill for maximum reimbursement?
If you answered YES to any of these questions you need to attend ACFAOM's Innovations in Wound Management 1-day course (8 CME credits) being presented on:

• December 1 (Saturday) Buena Vista Palace Hotel & Spa, Buena Vista (downtown DisneyWorld) from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. A limited number of rooms are available at $149
Faculty: James Stavosky, DPM, FACFAOM; Michael DellaCorte, DPM, FACFAOM; Rosemay Michel, DPM, FACFAOM and Michael Warshaw, DPM, FACFAOM, will provide the practical information you need to expand your wound management practice and to be reimbursed maximally for your services. Attendees receive a free patient education DVD for the office – a $299 value! Register online at

For a list of all meetings go to:


Query: MSRA and the Media

Over the years I have treated thousands of wounds. I culture them and from time to time have received reports that one of the micro-organisms involved was a methicillin-resistant staph. I never panic because in the majority of cases, the infections responded to topical antimicrobials, and in rare cases when they did not, I have prescribed oral Zyvox or intravenous Vancomycin, which cured the infection. I don't think my experiences in this regard are that different than most of my colleagues.

What does scare me is that if this hype by the media gets out of hand and the government gets too involved. I could just see a patient with a minor foot infection being unnecessarily hauled off and quarantined in a state hospital and being subject to picking up a nosocomial infection that might be worse. Perhaps some of the ID experts who read PM News can weigh in on this subject.

Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY

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For full prescribing information, please visit our website

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Query: Lytec EMR

My group is looking to more fully integrate our separate EMR system (Medinotes) into our current practice management software (Vital Works/Cerner/Wisdom). We are also considering starting all over and have looked at Lytec to completely integrate EMR, billing, and other applications. Does anyone use Lytec and what has been your experience? Would anyone recommend another software management company.

Sandy Schustek, DPM, Charlottesville, VA


Why SafeStep? SafeStep offers the most shoe styles, the lowest prices and provides the easiest, most profitable way to participate in the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program. Shoes from $39, custom inserts from $66/3 prs. Earn as much as $200 for at-risk diabetic patients you fit with shoes and inserts.

SafeStep features Aetrex OrthoFeet, Brooks, Pedors, New Balance, Hush Puppies, Soft Spots, Acor and Santuit. Need a DME Supplier Number? SafeStep sends you the forms you need -already filled out! - FREE electronic Medicare billing FREE billing of Richie and Arizona AFO's - FREE annual patient reminder letters for new shoes, FREE Medicare customized compliance documentation - Easy, no-cost returns. GET 5 FREE SAMPLE SHOES WHEN YOU REGISTER. For More Information and to Register for FREE. 866-712-STEP


RE: Chart Audit (Name Withheld)
From: Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

Avoid ANY temptation to change any of the charts. Be co-operative but do NOT volunteer information. If they ask you questions, ask them to put them down on paper and you will respond to them later in writing. If there are two auditors present, it may mean that the second person is there to listen to your comments and testify against you (possibly) in the future.

Auditors are not typically allowed to go into your file cabinets. You should provide them with a quiet room to do their audit. There is always a temptation to ask them what they are looking for. This is NOT a good idea. Your presence is not even required during the audit. The less you say, the better.

If you have any questions about your audit, you should contact a healthcare attorney who specializes in medical representation. You will get an audit report, (most likely) demanding money back. There will be a time limit for response and payment. You need to have your attorney (and associated experts) examine the demand carefully, to respond.

Even if you pay what they demand within the time limit, a non-response might indicate to them that you have "other" things to hide, and may open you to audits by other carriers, so a defense is essential. Auditors are under no obligation to inform you that they "contact" other insurers, or Medicare.

I have written two articles published in PM on this subject. One is located at: Dr. Block has an excellent article on Medicare audits at:
There are a wealth of other articles and letters on this subject at After you get to that site, type in "Audits" on the search section.

Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM, San Jose, CA,

Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab, Inc the Only source for the Colorado Custom Brace™

Manufacturing of the Colorado Custom Brace™ has moved from Boise Idaho to our Colorado manufacturing facility allowing our staff to better serve your brace needs.

Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab, Inc is also proud to announce that the Colorado Custom Brace™ is now available in four colors and four flexibilities. The Colorado Custom Brace™ has become a mainstay in the brace market, providing the professional podiatric practice the ability to care for and treat a wider range of patient pathologies than most other braces on the market. Using circumferential control rather than rigid uprights the Colorado Custom Brace™ is well tolerated by a wider patient population. Colorado Custom Brace™ and Rocky Mountain Orthotics Lab names you can build your practice on… to receive a complimentary casting kit for the Colorado Custom Brace™ call us at 800.968.RMOL (800.968.7665)


RE: Billing Services (Ray Brown, DPM)
From: Richard Gosnay, DPM

I opened up cold 4 years ago. It didn't make sense for me to pay a minimum fee or invest in the things I needed to bill when I had approximately zero patients. I was fortunate to have been introduced to a biller who works out of her home. I researched and found the typical fee to be 6% of collections. Whether it's a good month or a bad month, I can always afford 6% of collections. For that, she does everything. All I do is decide what code to bill and possibly add a modifier.

She bought her software, she pays for the updates/subscription. She even uses her own envelopes, stationery, and stamps when she balance bills my patients. She can give me all kinds of analysis statements if I request them. She even gives me totals to work with for my taxes. It might be different for a big practice with several doctors, but I just can't justify having an employee do my billing. At 6%, I pay a flat $6,000 for $100,000 of collections. What would I have to pay an employee for that? Not to mention the taxes, training, and other costs associated with an employee. Not to mention the software and supplies I would need to buy and maintain.

I suspect that there are similar people who are available to do medical billing everywhere in the country. Maybe I just got lucky. If any podiatrist would like to use my biller via fax and the Internet, he or she can email me and I will give you her contact information.

Richard Gosnay, DPM, Danbury, CT,



o Bilateral Punch Biospy
o DME Application - Information Not Received
o Chemical Matrixectomy
o Tricare Coverage of Foot Orthotics
o PQRI Additional Reimbursement?

Codingline subscription information can be found at


Multi-specialty group is looking to add another Podiatric Surgeon or General Podiatrist to our well-established group. Office locations in northwestern Pennsylvania. Unlimited opportunities exist for the right Associate, wound care experience is a plus. Please forward your CV to


Home Physicians, a medical group specializing in house calls is looking to hire podiatrists. We are located in Chicago and Northwest Indiana. Full and part time positions are available. Competitive Compensation including malpractice. Contact Scott Schneider. Phone-773-342-4201 FAX 773-486-3548-E-Mail --

PART-TIME LONG-TERM CARE OPPORTUNITIES- Chicago, Peoria, & East St Louis areas

We specialize in providing conservative care to residents in long-term care settings. Immediate part-time positions available. Very flexible scheduling. Competitive compensation and expenses. Contact Dr. Brian Aronson. Phone-773-775-0300, or Fax resume to 773-775-0883


10 yr old practice seeks motivated, surgically-trained individual . Fax CV with hours available to (718) 458-0053.


Do you have a dream of treating movie Stars and the rich and famous? Outstanding opportunity for PSR36 graduate to join Solo practitioner Summer 2008. Must have passion to practice at the highest level of Podiatry all aspects. Partnership in the future a must. Please send resume to


Hospital-Based Practice with Tremendous Growth Potential and a Fantastic Opportunity for the Right Doctor. I am looking for someone who will be an associate for a couple of years, then discuss Partnership Buy-In. This practice is currently solo-DPM – but I am turning away patients each day “because doctor is too busy.” Currently, I am in the OR 2 full days a week. Qualified candidate DOES NOT need significant rearfoot experience, but arthroscopy skills appreciated. Need strong surgery and people skills, with emphasis on wound care, forefoot surgery, diabetic problems, etc. No nursing homes. My office is a brand new state-of the-art facility with digital x-rays, computerized EMR, etc. Immediate start available, SALARY commensurate with experience. Please send resume to:


Excellent opportunity for ethical & personable hard-working individuals to join a busy multi-office two physician practice. Looking for one podiatrist with interest in conservative care, including sports medicine and one podiatrist trained in rearfoot surgery. Rearfoot surgeon must be board eligible and working toward board certification. Competitive salaries, 401-K, health insurance, paid vacation and more. Please forward CV with references to

WEEKLY SPECIAL - One week of ads (5x) for only $85

PM Classified Ads Reach over 10,000 DPM's and Students

Whether you have used equipment to sell or our offering an associate position, PM News classified ads are the fastest, most-effective way of reaching over 10,000 DPM's. Write or call (718) 897-9700 for details. THIS OFFER DOES NOT APPLY TO BUSINESSES PROVIDING PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. Note: For commercial or display ads contact David Kagan at (800) 284-5451 Ext 110

Acceptance and publication by this newsletter of an advertisement, news story, or letter does not imply endorsement or approval by Barry Block or Kane Communications of the company, product, content or ideas expressed in this newsletter. Podiatric Medical News does not represent the views, and is a separate entity from Podiatry Management Magazine and Podiatry Management Online. Any information pertaining to legal matters should not be considered to be legal advice, which can only be obtained via individual consultation with an attorney. Information about Medicare billing should be confirmed with your State CAC.
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Barry H. Block, DPM, JD
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