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The Voice of Podiatrists

Serving Over 10,700 Podiatrists Daily

March 08, 2008 #3,188 Editor-Barry Block, DPM, JD

A service of Podiatry Management
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Mindray DP-6600 – the most popular podiatric ultrasound system ONLY $214/month for 60 months! We provide on-going training to support you over the phone, online and in-person so you can make full use of your system. It includes: • Digital Imaging System • 5/7.5/10 MHz probe • Custom Protective Case • High Quality Medical Grade Cart • Atlas of Foot and Ankle Sonography

FYI**Medicare has just raised the reimbursement for ultrasound use in podiatric medicine by over 15%. (CPT 76880 Nat’l avg $110 for reimbursement in most States). Contact us at: 888-383-8858, or see a list of seminars at (Promo P0202)


Stability and Cushioning Key to Good Running Shoes: DC Podiatrist

Running shoes are highly technical footwear that provide stability and cushioning while heroically bearing up to three times the wearer's body weight; sneakers, on the other hand, are fashion accessories designed to look cool at the mall. "If you run for more than five minutes at any time, you might as well have running shoes," advises Stephen Pribut, a Washington, D.C.-based podiatrist specializing in sports medicine.

Dr. Stephen Pribut

Pribut has a three-phase sequence for checking stability: First, he bends the shoe toe to heel to see where it flexes. If it's not at the forefoot -- where the foot actually bends -- be afraid. He then grips both ends and twists in opposite directions. If he can wring it like a towel, that means there's zero support. Finally, he squeezes the heel in both directions right above the midsole. A stable heel won't cave in.

Source: Vicky Hallett, Washington Post, [3/6/08]

The Complete Form Anthology
Podiatry Edition

SOS Healthcare Management Solutions is proud to introduce its new Podiatry 1-2-3…The Complete Form Anthology. This new edition has a total of 101 practice tested forms, documents and templates that will help every podiatric practice stay organized and on task. The 1-2-3…Forms Book is the most comprehensive resource for podiatric practices available anywhere.

The 1-2-3 Forms Anthology can be purchased either as a Booklet or as a CD. The booklet format is perforated for your convenience. You can edit the CD version so that the forms can be customizable for your practice. The price is the same for either version; $109.95. If you choose to receive a copy in both formats the combination price is only $149.95. Call 1-866-TEAMSOS or visit the website for more information or to order


Bill Seeks Major Curbs On Doc-Owned Hospitals

Specialty hospitals are once again the target of Congress as the U.S. House passed a mental-health parity bill with a provision that seeks to place major restrictions on physician-owned facilities. A lengthy provision in the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 would prohibit current physician-owned hospitals from expanding and would threaten the viability of these facilities in the future, said Molly Sandvig, executive director of the trade group Physician Hospitals of America.

The measure calls for hospitals to submit annual reports detailing ownership interests. It also states that physician owners in the aggregate must not own more than 40% of the total value of investment interest in the assets of the hospital or in an entity whose assets include the hospital, while individual physicians cannot invest more than 2% in a hospital. Also, if a facility admits a patient and does not have a physician available, it must disclose that to the patient, according to the bill.

Source: Jessica Zigmond with Matthew DoBias, Modern Healthcare [3/6/08]

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Query: Dealing With Employee Theft

What do people do when they suspect employees are stealing money from them? What do practices do when they have proof? Can anyone suggest a good company to perform an audit of a practice with this in mind? Should a forensic accountant be used?

Name Withheld

Editor’s Note: To view some related previous responses on this topic see:


MAY 17 – 18, 2008 WASHINGTON, DC 12 CME’S
Attend podiatry’s only seminar devoted to dermatology and only dermatology. Come to beautiful Washington DC and hear experts in their field. Attend these lectures by Bret Ribotsky, DPM Surgery’s Fun…But Fungus Pays The Bills
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$150 ASPD members $225 APMA members $275 All others
Contact Joel Morse, DPM for a brochure and all information at or 202-966-4811. Go to out website and register for program online with Paypal.

For a list of all meetings go to:


Query: Post PVR Testing ICD-9 Coding

If a diabetic patient with neuropathy has a chronic non-healing ulcer, and you perform PVR (pulse volume recording) testing, but the results come back normal, can you use ICD-9 440.23 (atherosclerosis of the extremities with ulceration) as your billing diagnosis code? Or should you use ICD-9 250.60 (diabetes with neurological manifestations) and ICD-9 707.14 (ulcer of heel and midfoot)?

Mark Friedman, DPM, Albany, NY

Response: You have a patient with 1) diabetes, 2) neuropathy, and 3) a chronic non-healing ulcer. Considerations for the non-healing nature of the lesion would include vascular insufficiency, neuropathy, immunopathy, and/or and/or compliance issues. You ruled out - I assume to your satisfaction - that any vascular insufficiency present is not clinically significant to result in the non-healing nature of the ulcer.

You are, at present, left a patient, an ulcer, diabetes, and neuropathy. While you are working on the rule outs, you can bill the diagnoses/conditions as

ICD-9 250.8x (diabetes with other specific manifestations)
ICD-9 707.14 (ulcer, of heel and midfoot) or

ICD-9 250.6x (depending on the type diabetes)
ICD-9 337.1 (peripheral autonomic neuropathy) or
ICD-9 357.2 (polyneuropathy)
ICD-9 707.14

Rick Horsman, DPM, Olympia, WA

Codingline subscription information can be found at:


Dr. Comfort Sponsors 2008 Pedorthic Education Classes
Dr. Comfort has a superb training facility within our Wisconsin offices. All of the pedorthic classes will be taught by Bill Meanwell, CPED through the International School of Pedorthics. Session dates and more information about these courses can be found on
Pedorthics for Professionals – this course is designed for the professional with prior medical knowledge (DPM, DO, MD, DE/DCM, PT and ATC) and runs for seven straight days. The price is $2,700 before a 50% discount given in Dr. Comfort products.
Basic Pedorthics – this course is designed for individuals with little or no medical knowledge. This 14-day session costs $3,600 before the 50% discount program.
Continuing Pedorthic Education – the focus will be on casting, CAD and orthotic fabrication. Cost is $350 before 50% discount program
For more information on these classes, please contact Brian O’Reilly, CPED at (262) 236-8478 or

RE: Pain Sub 2nd & 3rd Mets (Matthew Etheridge, DPM)
From: John Scheland, DPM

I would advise NOT to resect the met. heads or place implants in a 30 year old active person. These solutions will have no lasting effect and will doom your patient to revisional or salvage surgery before he is 40. At this patients age, unfortunately an attempt to correct the deformities should be attempted. Just one x-ray view makes it impossible to advise on how to approach this challenging case. However, there appears to be evidence of a skewfoot-type deformity with the adductus portion of the deformity having this attempted correction.

If this is the case, my advice is to correct any rearfoot deformity to align the midfoot (Evans, Dwyer) based on the plane of deformity. Then align (likely by fusion) the 1st met to the midfoot using the medial and middle cuneiform as reference points for correction (not to correct the angle but to lateralize the entire 1st met). Then use the corrected 1st met to correct the 2nd and 3rd mets by osteotomy and plating making sure the met heads are at the level of the 1st met in the sagittal plane. Digital correction with pinning should then be attempted. Perfection is not possible, but maybe you can get him into an orthotic after correction with a met. bar to relieve any residual plantar pressure.

John Scheland, DPM, Clarks Summit, PA,

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RE: Non-Compliant, Drunk Patient (Name Withheld)
From: Elliot Udell, DPM

Dr. Block in his response indicates that if all of your records are order as well as the records of the emergency room documenting alcoholism, it is highly unlikely that the patient will be able to retain an attorney and litigate against you. I am wondering however if there is psychopathology presenting here in addition to alcoholism. Munchausen's Syndrome comes to mind and patients with this will do all sorts of bizarre things to complicate their medical conditions so as to create the need for more medical or surgical treatments. Did this patient have a history of having other foot surgeries? I had one patient who after numerous surgeries by numerous doctors took her BK cast and smashed it against a brick wall, displacing all of the bones at the osteotomy sites. This patient later went on to have many other surgeries by many other podiatrists in many different cities.

Another possibility is malingering behavior. Homeless people might opt to complicate a surgery so as to get themselves admitted to a hospital, especially in the Winter months. Drug addicts might create a post op complication so as to get morphine based pain killers. If this turns out to be the case, don't be surprised if the patient returns to your office along with her boyfriend and uses guilt to try to get you to prescribe Oxycontin or some other narcotic based pain killer. Don't fall for it.

Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY,

Fungoid® Tincture
The Timeless Tincture, since 1925, is pleased to announce Walgreens and Rite Aid pharmacy chains have added Pedinol’s Fungoid Tincture to their Foot Care aisles. When recommending Fungoid Tincture to your patients, please refer them to the above retailers. If the patient does not have a local Walgreens and Rite Aid pharmacy, other ordering options are available. Their local pharmacies can order the product direct from their wholesaler or consumer purchases can be made online at or
Samples for the doctor’s office are also available via fax request. Please fax over your request, with signature, address and DEA number to 631-293-7359. Additional information is available on our website or


RE: Podiatric Assistants Performing Routine Foot Care (Lynn Homisak)
From: Hal Ornstein, DPM, Elliot Udell, DPM

I applaud Lynn Homisak’s response about formal training of podiatric medical assistants. Our staff is our most valuable asset, and utilizing them most effectively in the office will result in better outcomes, reduced stress, improved efficiency, create a higher level of customer service, and the ability to see more patients without compromising quality. I am not concerned that primary care physicians will start a trend to hire them to perform routine foot care. I am not naïve as to how the medical community is now performing podiatric procedures but let’s not focus on the exception but instead of the rule. As Chairman of the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management (AAPPM) ,I have recently had discussions with other large national groups to start an initiative for a national formal training program for podiatric medical assistants.

One of our board members, Ben Weaver, DPM, is working to organize a high level AAPPM two-day seminar for training of podiatric medical assistants focusing on development and use of protocols, improve communication skills, hands on workshop for training on things such as use of DME, ancillary care and wound care. This meeting would also involve role playing and how to best assist the podiatrist to succeed as a TEAM, while increase patient care and revenue. We do recognize the efforts of ASPMA and state assistants group for working to grow the podiatric medical assistant. Any input on the subject would be appreciated.

Hal Ornstein, DPM, Howell, NJ,

Dr. Mendoza points out to all of us a potential problem that really could impact on all of our practices. If schools start training podiatric assistants who become qualified to do all of the work that we do with the exception of surgery, we might be sowing the seeds of our ultimate demise. Medicine has learned with the advent of the PA profession that most of the evaluations, treatments and even diagnoses can be done by a PA whose professional education is little more than 2 years of non-doctoral training. One of the doctors who I personally went to has his PA do all of the initial work-ups and the writing of prescriptions. The doctor himself only sees the patient after the third visit. At an allergy clinic I visit, the PA does all of the examinations and frankly I find him very knowledgeable.

The ultimate problem is that if we train people to do all of the podiatric care that we do on a regular basis, there would be nothing to stop these people from taking jobs either working for primary care physicians as Dr. Mendoza suggests or more likely working for local orthopedic surgical groups. This could wipe out a significant amount of work that we do for patients and there are very few podiatrists, if any, who can sustain a practice solely based on pedal bone surgery.

Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY,

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RE: Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (David J. Marko)
From: Michael Zapf, DPM, Jeff Root

The information on the System Rx orthotics of DPM Orthotics written by Dr. Marko has me rethinking what makes a "custom" orthotic and if I need to keep paying so much for my current devices. If enough pre-formed orthotics are available and one fits the needs of the cast exactly, is it not, then, a "custom" orthotic? My local 1-hour optometry shop does the same thing with prescription lenses. They have a large number of prescription lenses in stock and find the one that matches the prescription of the optometrist and then grinds it to fit the frames and the location of the pupil. Evidently the number of lense blanks available to do this job is not infinite. My wife gets her contact lense prescriptions "in an hour" the very same way. If these qualify as prescription lenses, are not DPM Orthotics System Rx "prescription orthotics" as well?

Michael Zapf, DPM, Agoura Hills, CA,

Editor’s note: an extended-length letter by Jeff Root appears at:


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COLORADO PRACTICE OPPORTUNITY This is an auto response. Thank you.


Well established, well-respected surgical/medical practice seeking full time associate. Send CV/ inquiries to:


Busy multi-physician podiatric group with 2 locations seeking BQ/BC surgically trained doctor. Applicant should be well-trained in all aspects of surgical and conservative care. Seeking ethical, hard working and outgoing physician to join our 4-physician group. Excellent quality of life in suburban Houston, near NASA and the Gulf of Mexico. Email CV and cover letter to Dr. M. Rockett at


Two Doctor group seeks individual with three years of surgical training with emphasis on the forefoot. Diabetic foot fellowship desirable. Practice includes two physical therapists that work on site. Rural setting with excellent outdoor activities. Competitive salary and benefit packages with opportunity for partnership. Respond to: or Fax to: 406-761-7219


10 year old general podiatry practice, including, geriatric care, diabetic care, surgery, biomechanics, etc. Grossing approximately $185,000 part-time, can be made full-time. Hospital privileges available. Will stay for transition. Please reply to:


Busy multi-dimensional practice; 70 miles north of New York City . Currently four (4)-doctor practice. looking to expand – all phases of podiatric medicine. contact: (845) 454-8308 EXT: 106


Innovative Practice on Boston’s North shore seeking motivated associate to join high, energy doctor to assist in growing practice. Competitive compensation package and partnership after two years.


Excellent opportunity for foot/ankle surgeon, Manhattan and Brooklyn Associate position leading to possible partnership. Requirements: Two years enrollment in a surgical residency program Qualities of self-motivation and impeccable skills in forefoot and rear-foot surgery. Package Includes: Malpractice insurance, Health Insurance plus salary, Incentives. Terms negotiable Email CV to 212-349-7676


Excellent opportunity for a hard working, ethical podiatrist to join a vibrant, successful and growing podiatric medical and surgical practice. Dedicated, supportive staff with strong marketing and medical knowledge. Must be board eligible/certified. PSR/24. Partnership opportunity. Competitive salary, bonus structure, benefits. Wonderful place to raise a family. Fax CV to 816-455-8901.

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Barry H. Block, DPM, JD
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