03/11/2008 Keith L. Gurnick, DPM
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made?
There are and have been many barriers to the general public knowing and understanding the difference between "true custom prescription foot orthotics", and the rest of the shoe inserts available. I often wonder if all of my podiatry colleagues really know the difference. A "true custom prescription foot orthotic" is the type of foot orthotic that is custom made from start to finish, and is "prescribed" by a professional with the training and also a license that allows a prescription to be written. The patient must be examined and evaluated in the way that is taught in school and then taking into account all of the variables a proper foot orthotic prescription is written, a correct foot impression is taken and then a Rx custom foot orthotic laboratory fills the prescription, and finally the order is checked and fitted and dispensed to the patient.
Unfortunately, today many prescribed and OTC shoe inserts are referred to, even on the packaging as orthotics, yet only some of them are truly custom prescription foot orthotics. The public does not know the difference because we as a profession have never taught them the difference. And the orthotic lab industry also has not been proactive in teaching the public the difference either. When will the Prescription Foot Orthotic Lab Association, a group of many credentialed laboratories step up to the plate and do something about this for the good of the public and the profession?
Many of our patients do know the difference between a prescribed custom orthotic and the imitators, and even many of the young Podiatrists might not know the difference because the biomechanics and orthotic education in the colleges is not emphasized as it once was. The podiatry schools also need to improve the education in this arena.
1) When patients come to our offices with the bag of flat insoles, contoured replacement insoles, pre-fab orthotics like Superfeet, Foot Levelers often ordered by chiropractors, and yes, even orthotics made from foam foot impressions taken by either by a chiropractor, a physical therapist, by a nurse in the office of an orthopedic surgeon and even some podiatrists they think they have already had "Orthotics" and they do not understand why they failed to help or cure their problem. 2) Sometimes these products have been made in an office, sometimes ordered over the internet or at a healthy fairs by persons with no credentials and then sent to and manufactured by the same foot orthotic laboratories that make true prescription custom foot orthotics. 3) Some orthotic laboratories, in an effort to increase sales and compete, provide lower cost foot orthotics by making orthotics off a "library of foot casts" instead of using each cast to the prescription. I call this bait and match. Sometimes the doctor is aware of this and thus is compliant in the fraud, and sometimes the doctor is not aware of what is being done. The fact is the public, a group that can be easily fooled or deceived does not know the difference and does not get what they think they are paying for when this happens. Besides wasting their money, they are also not getting the proper care which may lead to wasted time and money, unnecessary surgery and prolonged pain and disability.
Yet as is often the case in this situation, mostly when a true custom prescription foot orthotic is required and made, the patient is helped, the pain is reduced or gone and the orthotic has done its job.
As professionals it is our job to know what we are doing and to do it to the best of our ability. It is our job to be honest to our patients and the public. It should be the job of the schools to educate their students, our future professionals and the foot orthotic lab profession should partake a program to educate the public about foot orthotics.
Keith L. Gurnick, DPM, Los Angeles, CA, keithgrnk@aol.com
Other messages in this thread:
03/08/2008 Jeff Root
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (David J. Marko)
RE: Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (David J. Marko) From: In response to the letter by Susan Boren, David Marko wrote In my opinion, an orthotic is 'custom' when a negative patient model or 3-D scan is used to produce an accurately corrected shape for that specific patient's foot. Then additional customization is accomplished through the shaping of the shells and the addition of covers, accommodations, and posting. This is exactly what the System Rx method and plaster cast corrections accomplish. These are the methods used at DPM Orthotics Inc.
A pre-manufactured orthosis is not a custom device regardless of Mr. Markos opinion.Let us examine the facts. When any pre-manufactured orthotic device is customized, it is a customized or modified prefab. Using a negative model, a 3-D scan, or any other method to select a prefab does not change the nature of how the device was manufactured, therefore it remains a pre-fab. A real problem exists if practitioners mistakenly believe they are receiving custom manufactured foot orthoses, if in fact they are receiving prefabs or customized prefabs.
Mr. Marko also wrote: What is a custom orthotic? This is a gray area.I believe its the responsibility of any ethical orthotic lab to make certain that their customers understand what they are receiving in order to eliminate this potential gray area. Podiatrists, as the utmost authorities on foot biomechanics and orthotic therapy, must share in the responsibility of becoming educated prescribers like they are with other prescription products, such as pharmaceuticals.
A library system involves the use of an inventory of pre-manufactured molds, digital shape files, or orthotic devices. Library systems allow manufactures to eliminate a significant portion of the manufacturing process by selecting a predetermined shape for the orthotic shell. This eliminates the process of correcting the individual patients physical cast or foot scan, thereby reducing labor which in turn, decreases manufacturing costs. In the case of pre-manufactured molds and digital shape files, there still remains a percentage of the manual manufacturing process but this does not occur on the patients own, unique anatomical foot model.
Foot scanners and computer manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM) have the potential to further cloud the issue. The term mirroring is the act of scanning and correcting one foot or cast and then producing an identical but opposite mold or orthosis for the other foot. This is another labor saving step for the lab which the customer may or may not be aware of.
Pre-fabs, modified pre-fabs, and fully custom manufactured foot orthoses all have a place in modern day podiatry and foot orthotic therapy. Increased education and awareness will enable practitioners and their patients to make better informed treatment decisions. I commend Susan Boren for bringing this important issue to light.
Jeff Root, President, Root Lab, jroot@root- lab.com
03/07/2008 David J. Marko, President, DPM Orthotics
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (Susan Boren)
RE: Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (Susan Boren) From: David J. Marko, President, DPM Orthotics I am responding to the letter posted on PM News by one of my local competitors regarding the production methods at DPM Orthotics. Like many orthotics labs, DPM Orthotics uses a multi-disciplined approach to producing custom foot orthotics. We incorporate the System Rx methodology which includes its patented corrections library. We also utilize traditional plaster corrections. (For those who do not know, a corrections library is an important aspect in many modern orthotics labs.) The System Rx method was invented from a lengthy study conducted by Mr. Scott Marshall and involved 133,000 patient models. Mr. Marshalls study revealed surprising new data about the mathematical relationship of the uncorrected replicas (negative cast) and the resulting corrected replica (positive cast). The study revealed that mathematically, the foot is a measurable blend of three dimensional shapes, beginning with a neutral, negative cast, and ending with a corrected positive cast. The measurable difference between the two is the corrected deformity (intrinsic balancing) and the medial and lateral expansions.
Simply, if the negative cast and the corrections are both measurable, then it is possible to pre determine the corrected shape of the positive cast and the resulting orthotic. In our application of the method, critical measurements are made of the negative model resulting in the establishment of an x,y,z, axis. Using this data, the corrected shape is produced from the System Rx library. If the proper correction is not found in the library, the order is corrected using traditional plaster techniques. Additional customization occurs in shaping, posting and covering.
What is a custom orthotic? This is a gray area. Chiropractors prescribe orthotics that are assembled using only the uncorrected foot impression as a guide. These are sold and billed as custom foot orthotics. In podiatry, we see in-officescanning systems some of which produce a two-dimensional image of the foot (width and length). Custom foot orthotics are produced from this information without a true medial longitudinal arch measurement. They are billed as custom.
In my opinion, an orthotic is customwhen a negative patient model or 3-D scan is used to produce an accurately corrected shape for that specific patients foot. Then additional customization is accomplished through the shaping of the shells and the addition of covers, accommodations, and posting. This is exactly what the System Rx method and plaster cast corrections accomplish. These are the methods used at DPM Orthotics Inc.
I invite you to visit the US Patent Office web site and reference patent #6042759. You will find a detailed description of the invention and its multi dimensional applications. David J. Marko, President, DPM Orthotics Inc., OH, davidmarko@sbcglobal.net
03/04/2008 Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM, Paul Kesselman, DPM
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (Dennis Shavelson, DPM)
RE: Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (Dennis Shavelson, DPM) From: Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM, Paul Kesselman, DPM When a patient presents to me with continued problems after receiving expensive "orthotics" from non-DPMs, I ask them to give me a copy of the EOB from that treatment. If I find that the "orthotics" were billed L3000, and they were not, by any definition of L3000s, then I give them a letter stating that, adding that in my expert opinion, the devices made their condition worse. I tell them to ask for their money back, and that if the "doctor" refuses, to tell them they will send my letter to the insurance company. It has worked every time.
Further, when I bill for orthotic, not only do I include a letter of medical necessity, I include a letter describing how I do the biomechanical exam, the plaster casting with a bisection of the calcaneous, and I emphasize why an L3000 device is truly a device that corrects and improves biomechanics. Further, I tell the medical director that if the insurance company wants to save a ton of money, that they carefully review how the impression are made by DC and other non-DPMs, because in my expert opinion, I do not feel the devices made by non- DPMs should not qualify for anything but minimal payment.
Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM, Schaumburg, IL, doc@footsportsdoc.com
Dr. Shavelson raised several issues in his thoughtful letter. His solution to opt out of your in-network status certainly does provide a financial solution to the irresponsible orthotic reimbursement policy of some carriers. In certain practice environments this is not realistic nor does it excuse one from fraudulent billing practices.
A. The devices in question are poorly defined by any of the existing HCPCS codes. These individually engineereddevices, certainly do not meet the definition of L3000- L3020, as no patient specific 3D positive image is ever created in the lab nor may they adequately be described by codes L3030-L3060.
An upgrade to the current HCPCS codes may in fact be in order. Unfortunately medical coding has not kept up with technology and DME is far from the only area where this is true. Several recommendations come to mind:
1) Bill a miscellaneous code (L2999) and send an accurate description of the product and how it is fabricated to the insurance carrier. This will leave it up to the insurance carrier to determine their level of reimbursement. No one would ever be able to accuse you of misleading billing practices. Unfortunately, this will result in long delays and reimbursement will be more carrier variable than with the existing codes.
2) Ask the manufacturer and/or distributor of these devices to submit them to SADMERC for a product review. The application to SADMERC may request the product be coded with an existing code or ask for the establishment of a new HPCPCS code. This is risky for the manufacturer and distributor. Once a product review letter has been established, there no longer will be any question as to how this product should be coded.
SADMERC will perform a responsible review of these products at no charge to the manufacturer and make recommendations regarding reimbursement policy to private third party payers (Medicare of course does not cover foot orthotics). Product reviews generally can be accomplished in less than 3 months with a minimum of paper work.
3) Podiatrists who wish to use this product may also contact SADMERC for further coding assistance on any existing product. This can be accomplished by following the links on the www.palmettogba.com website.
B) The requirement for suppliers to maintain copies of custom orders in the patients chart. This requirement already exists. Current supplier standards and newly adopted accreditation guidelines require that suppliers maintain records of where they obtained their durable goods, particularly for custom- fabricated devices. Invoices for bulk ordered over-the-counter non- custom devices may be more difficult to track to a single patient (e.g. cam walkers, canes, crutches, custom-fitted or over- the-counter orthotics etc.). This should be far easier for custom-fabricated orthotics, where the manufacturers of the device line items their invoices with the patients name and a prescription and order form are maintained by the supplier.
In the near future, all Medicare (and third party) orders will require you to scan a UPC code (just as they do in the supermarket) for bulk items and perhaps the same will be true for custom devices.
In summary, I would agree with Dr. Shavelson that the time has come for HCPCS codes to more accurately describe the manner in which orthotics can be produced using todays technology. Perhaps its time to assemble a blue ribbon panel of the best podiatry has to offer to assist in this endeavor. Experts in the field of podiatric biomechanics, orthotic fabrication, coding and reimbursement should meet and make their recommendations before they are mandated to us by the insurance industry.
Paul Kesselman DPM, Woodside, NY, pkesselman@pol.net
03/03/2008 Dennis Shavelson, DPM
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? (Susan L. Boren)
In absorbing the reaction to Dr. Boren's posting, I feel that the replies live inside the insurance/government socialized model and are bandaids at best. In my career, it has become more and more difficult to remain a part of the existing model while continuing to offer the superior care we alone are trained to deliver to suffering feet and postures. My opinion sits outside of what the insurance model wants us to do and requires one of two courses.
The first is the easier and exists to us all and that is to become an out-of-network contractor with the insurances, especially those that cover orthotics poorly. This would allow DPM's to cast, prescribe and dispense the best functional foot orthotics at an appropriate fee AND it would give the podiatry community the need to invest in improving their biomechanical skills in order to dispense devices that command higher fees because they are truly custom.
The second would be to upgrade the CPT orthotic coding system acknowledging that a customized orthotic from an existing shell (the $50 orthotic) does provide a decent level of care that may be enough for many patients and could receive reimbursment at a lower level (i.e. for HMO's and poor payers) and create a code of L???? for this item with a fee that fits the lab cost.
In addition, I would require a paid lab invoice in the $100-150 range to be on file from the dispensing DPM in order to be paid for L3000 or other custom codes. This would give patients a better understanding of the value of a custom casted and prescribed functional foot orthotic and insurance companies the ability to cover devices that they think their clients deserve. More important, it would give the podiatry community the opportunity to prove the value of a custom orthotic that incorporates our diagnostic and treatment skills.
I have no idea how hard or easy it is to add a code to the current CPT inventory but maybe this is a direction to go that serves podiatry and our patients best.
Dennis Shavelson DPM, Medical Director, The FootHelpers Lab, drsha@foothelpers.com
02/28/2008 Susan L. Boren
Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made?
RE: Are Those Orthotics Really Custom-Made? From: Susan L. Boren About a week ago, one of my long-term customers from the Chicago area faxed me a marketing flyer he received from DPM Orthotics, Inc. The flyer advertised "Individually Engineered Custom Foot Orthotics" at a flat rate of $65.95 per pair. The flyer promoted their "System Rx" Methodology. I researched System Rx to find that it is an over-the-counter, libraried arch support (sold by a reputable podiatric supplier) in a variety of lengths, widths, and arch heights for $44.95 each (with quantity discounts available). This supplier promotes this product as a " semi-rigid, over-the-counter, orthotic style arch support. They, in no way, attempt to disguise this OTC as a prescription orthotic.
Companies like DPM Orthotics are buying these OTC's, doing a little custom topcover/accommodation work, and selling them as a prescription device. To my knowledge, the negative cast, sent by the prescribing podiatrist, is only used to measure the foot in an effort to get a close match for the OTC -- no plaster is ever poured, nor is any type of positive ever created. The podiatrists that order these products are led to believe that they are receiving a prescription orthotic. This poses the problem of insurance fraud, not to mention what is in the best interests of the patient. Is the doctor unknowingly committing fraud if he/she bills insurance under the L3000, L3010, L3020, or L3030 codes? The HCPC codes in my copy of a DME fee schedule requires that these codes only be used for a removable insert "molded to patient model" or "formed to patient foot", be it plaster, impression foam, fiberglass, and/or digital. Only L3040, L3050, and L3060 can be used for pre-molded inserts, which has a lower reimbursement.
The owner of DPM Orthotics, Inc., got his experience working for MOY Labs, which closed its doors in the summer of 2006. Thousands of pairs of negative casts were found inside MOY with measurements written on them -- matching their dimensions to libraried OTC's. All of them were "filled" orders, sent to the prescribing physician, and dispensed to patients as prescription orthotics. For those labs that use AMOS software, creating a library of OTCs is cheap, fast and easy. There are "labs" popping up all over the country doing this, and nothing appears to be being done to either inform or protect the doctor against this type of deception. If a podiatrist suspects that their lab might be passing off a glorified OTC, he/she can request that the positive, or a printed copy of the digital scan, be returned with every pair of orthotics. It makes it very difficult for honest labs, truly fabricating a prescription orthotic, to price-compete in a dishonorable marketplace. In these times of rising expenses and reduced fees, a flat rate of $65.95 can be very enticing to the practitioner (even though they can get the very same thing from a reputable podiatric supplier at $44.95!). But let the buyer beware - - things aren't always what they seem.
Susan L. Boren, President, Earthwalk Orthotics, Inc., Massillon, OH, eworthotics@neo.rr.com