Unnecessary and Negligent Calcaneal Osteotomy - Oregon
Case Summary: Plaintiff, female age 41, employed as administrative personnel. Plaintiff was a patient of the Defendant's. Plaintiff contended the Defendant performed a calcaneal osteotomy that was unnecessary and negligently recommended. The surgery failed to heal, and Plaintiff alleged the Defendant was negligent for failing to discover malalignment and non-union of the osteotomy to correct it in time. Plaintiff has had three additional revision surgeries to try and correct the problem.
Result: Plaintiff verdict for $3,000,000 (No new trial presently pending).
Plaintiff Experts: Byron Hutchinson DPM, Kaitlin Neary, MD, Timothy Mineo, DPM, Todd Galle, DPM.
Defendant Experts: Elliot Michael, DPM, Laurence Rubin, DPM