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09/26/2024    Rod Tomczak, DPM, MD, EdD

“Why I Chose an NP for My Care” National Commercial (Jon Purdy, DPM)

I wonder if Jon’s letter was written tongue in
cheek. If accurate, Jon’s report about a recent
encounter with a secret agent from APMA who
assured Jon there are changes a comin’ at APMA
headquarters gives cause for celebration. That’s
tongue in cheek. If what Jon was told is indeed
true, and why should we doubt anything out of the
mouth of an unnamed secret APMA leader, then I am
grateful that the spirit of Deep Throat is alive
and well in Washington, DC. One difference between
the original Deep Throat and the APMA Deep Throat
is that the current mole is wearing old Rohadur
orthotics posted to the casts to throw off younger
potential trackers.

But there is a disparity between these new APMA
promises and those made in the waning moments of
the Nixon administration. Deep Throat’s assertions
proved to be true. Both the current APMA Deep
Throat and the Watergate Deep Throat were accurate
when they presently advised Purdy and in the 70’s
told Woodward and Bernstein to, “Follow the
money.” Isn’t it always about the money?

At first glance, it would appear the unnamed APMA
source is close to breaking the Seal of the
Confessional and may be excommunicated from the
upper echelons of APMA hierarchy for confiding in
Jon. We, as the unheard vox populi of the APMA,
have become accustomed to being subjected to
obfuscation and mystification. Not anymore. Agent
86 or 99 of CONTROL have assured us through Jon
that recent developments by APMA’s leaders are
going to result in “significant cuts in

That is a blow to the Melatonin manufacturers of
America knowing that the 10,500 or so (inflated?)
members of APMA can now rest easy in the arms of
Morpheus knowing their dues will no longer be
squandered. No more do we need to toss and turn
fretfully in bed. We futilely subscribed to the
tranquil sounds of a peaceful rainfall or a
babbling brook wafting by our campsite. No more.
Nothing can help us from speculating about APMA’s
next vision of the future and podiatry’s place in
it. Now we can take comfort in knowing there will
be no more squandering of APMA dues and fees for
acceptance or approval (not endorsements) of
products and permission to use the logo. The
prodigal APMA has returned to the membership fold.

It is extremely soothing to know that our APMA
Secret Squirrel friend of Jon’s has assured all of
us through Jon that the new leadership of APMA has
acknowledged an understanding of where things are
and where they need to go. Has anyone heard this
song and dance before? There is finally an answer
to that gnawing podiatric question, “Why is this
night different from all other nights?” There is a
new administration and fresh leaders who are ready
to guide the members, lifetime members included,
where we have never been before. It’s amazing how
simple it all is, and we missed it.

It seems we have been trespassers in the
physicians’ world. According to Jon’s source, we
should soon be able walk through the valley of
death fearing no evil from competitive foot care
providers. How could we doubt good old what’s his
or her name, one of the APMA leaders, who has
answered all our questions, ye of little faith?

Rod Tomczak, DPM, MD, EdD, Columbus, OH

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