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07/04/2024    Daniel Chaskin, DPM

RE: Victory! AMA Removes Offensive Social Media Post (Allen Jacobs, DPM_

I have a difference of opinion than Allen Jacobs,

1. Podiatric Medicine mandates knowledge beyond the
foot. Podiatrists who specialize in Podiatric
Medicine act as gatekeepers similar to internists
so long as physical evaluations are in conjunction
with the provision of podiatric treatment. Both an
internist and podiatrist can treat a foot
condition, find the underlying cause of this foot
condition and make a referral to the correct
specialist to treat the underlying systemic cause.

2. The way medicine is practiced today is not in
the best interest of patients. Podiatrists should
have knowledge beyond their own specialty. For
example, a podiatrist could serve as a primary
point of contact for individuals with kidney
problems. For example, a podiatrist might order
renal function tests to check kidney function.
Kidney issues could be the underlying cause of
toenail conditions, swollen feet, etc.... The
podiatrist can then decide if it's necessary to
refer the patient directly to a nephrologist or a
different specialist.

3. If a patient's foot symptoms suggest possible
heart failure, a podiatrist can arrange for an
electrocardiogram (EKG) and blood tests to see if a
cardiologist should be consulted.

4. It's important to note that not every patient
will have a medical doctor (MD) to refer them to.
Moreover, if a podiatrist needs to refer the
patient to the correct specialist, it might be
beneficial for the podiatrist to first conduct all
the necessary tests to accurately diagnose the
systemic causes of foot symptoms. The patient
receives the most appropriate care and is referred
to the right specialist. This is one major reason
why a podiatrist should have knowledge beyond the

5. The APMA should advertise podiatrists as being
in a position of a gatekeeper with knowledge beyond
the foot.

Daniel Chaskin, DPM, Ridgewood, NY

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