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06/26/2024    Alan Sherman, DPM

AI and Podiatry (Lawrence Rubin, DPM)

In response to the concerns of Lawrence Rubin, DPM
that “present and future bad AI public
information” is harming us, as a test to see if
these concerns are well founded, I prompted the 4
AIs that I use regularly his sample patient
question: "Where can I go to get this big, red,
sore bunion taken care of?". The responses were
interesting and generally constituted good advice.
I am happy to report that Perplexity, ChatGPT,
Claude and Gemini suggest seeing a podiatrist
FIRST. The first 3 mentioned orthopedists as a
SECOND choice. The last didn't mention
orthopedists at all. What this exercise tells me
is that our institutions that are charged by us
with getting the information as to podiatry’s
superiority for treating the foot and ankle out to
the public, at this time, have successfully done

We are often inclined to criticize the APMA, ACPM,
ACFAS when we see stats on the low public
awareness of what a podiatrist is. Well, this is
strong evidence that they are actually doing a
good job with this at this time and I would like
to publicly recognize them for the talent and work
that it took to attain this outstanding outcome
for us. A few comments on AI: I no longer use
Google for most searches. Perplexity, ChatGPT,
Claude, and Gemini all still have free versions
that I use. I use them because when I am trying
to learn something new, I get a much better and
more useful customized answer from them than I get
from Google. They’ve made all the information that
is accessible to us on the Internet so much more

These AIs are a giant leap forward for mankind in
general, but they will especially revolutionize
the field of education. BTW, I pay only for an
advanced account for my programmers, as it has
revolutionized the writing of computer code, doing
much of it for you. And I insist on making the
best tools available to them. The rest are free
right now for low volume usage. The writing of the
“Prompts” that you submit to the AIs has become a
new field taught in colleges and business schools,
so useful will it be. Soon, this will be a
standard question at a job interview: "What AIs
do you use and how do you use them?" This new
tool will be used in every field of endeavor and
its applications are growing exponentially. Follow

Alan Sherman, DPM, CEO, PRESENT e-Learning Systems

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