MI Podiatrist Opines on the Role of Artificial Turf on Achilles Ruptures
According to Conway McLean, DPM, "Although relative only to the world of sports, the loss of Aaron Rodgers from the New York Jets roster for the remainder of the year (and possibly beyond?) has been called a tragedy. Three offensive plays into the season, the first game for his new team, after all the fanfare and hype, the star quarterback tears his Achilles tendon. The injury dominated the headlines for several new cycles. The event occurred at the stadium of the Jets which, interestingly, has artificial turf. Was the surface upon which the injury took place a factor?"
Dr. Conway McLean |
"Physicians specializing in sports medicine seem generally in agreement: a higher number of injuries, with a greater degree of severity, result from the use of artificial turf. Players are able to achieve greater velocities faster, leading to more physical stress to the structures connecting the body with the immovable object that is the earth. Because the foot is often locked in position, cleated to the turf, it’s the ankle and associated structures which must bear the greatest force. The studies are beginning to accumulate, yet little has changed in transitioning the professional football games away from artificial turf," says Dr. McLean.
Source: Marquette Mining Journal [9/18/23]