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09/19/2023    Lee C. Rogers, DPM

The Relationship Between APMA and CPME (Keith D. Cook, DPM, Sylvia Virbulis, DPM)

RE: The Relationship Between APMA and CPME
From: Lee C. Rogers, DPM

It is unfortunate that this discourse with the
APMA over its lack of leadership and advocacy for
podiatrists has become so public, however, the
APMA leadership also refuses to engage with the
ABPM. In fact, several emails sent to Dr. Jim
Christina and Dr. Sylvia Virbulis never even
received a response. Nor were they shared with the

But I do have to point out the selective response
from the APMA and CPME to Dr. Ribotsky's comments.
Regarding board certification, the APMA wrote
that, "It would be highly inappropriate and
unacceptable for APMA to attempt to exert any
control over this activity." This statement is at
odds with the fact that Dr. Christina, the
executive director of the APMA, was appointed as
an ex-officio member of the ad hoc Specialty Board
Recognition Committee (SBRC) charged with
rewriting the standards for board certification. (
ItemNumber=51268&navItemNumber=51468 )

Furthermore, the CPME Bylaws state that the "The
House of Delegates designates the Council to act
as the agency for the evaluation, accreditation,
approval, and recognition of educational
institutions, providers, programs, and specialty
boards in the field of podiatric medicine. The
Council shall provide a report annually to the
House of Delegates". (Link:
4_CPME_900_Bylaws.pdf )

The APMA Bylaws Sec 11.0 addresses the CPME as a
"Council and Standing Committee" and states that
the HOD will elect two members to serve on the
SBRC. (Link:
x?FileID=104017& )

This implies that while the CPME may be
autonomous, the HOD does have some control over
the activities or the direction of the Council.
However, as is clear in their response, the APMA
is quick to wash their hands of any responsibility
in their oversight.

All we asked was that the APMA stand up for all
podiatrists and take action to support a single
board in podiatric medicine and surgery, as is the
desire of a supermajority of podiatrists. This is
in line with the rest of medicine (MD/DO), which
has a single certifying board and a single tier of
certification, for their residencies. It is my
opinion that the APMA's lack of leadership, their
inaction, and the resultant disenfranchisement of
large segments of practicing podiatrists, is
partially responsible for the APMA membership
crisis and the student recruitment crisis.
Hopefully the leadership takes these comments to

Lee C. Rogers, DPM, San Antonio, TX

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