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08/28/2023    Marlene Reid, DPM

OPMA Shout Out to FPMB (Chris Seuferling, DPM

I want to thank Dr. Chris Seuferling and the Oregon
Medical Board for acknowledging the Federation of
Podiatric Medical Boards (FPMB) and especially
recognizing Russ Stoner, its Executive Director.
The FPMB serves as the national voice for state
podiatric medical boards while collaborating with
allied organizations, supporting member boards with
services and initiatives that protect and promote
patient safety, integrity of podiatric medicine,
access to high-quality health care, and regulatory
best practices. Over 40 state boards pay voluntary
dues to support the function of the FPMB. Oregon is
just one state that has recently benefited from the
services of the FPMB and Mr. Stoner's commitment.

As Dr. Seuferling pointed out, Executive Director
Russell Stoner goes above and beyond to assist
state licensing boards with data collection and
computation of information to empower and assist
state boards in their many and diverse objectives.
The FPMB hosts quarterly meetings for licensing
boards not only to communicate information but to
allow for community participation and sharing of
best practices for state boards. Mr. Stoner’s
innovative ideas and drive go well beyond the FPMB
mission and extends into public policy, advocacy
and advancement for our profession.

The FPMB often works behind the scenes giving
direct and indirect input to a variety of issues
affecting our profession. The FPMB has a unique
representation with the MD/DO community, working
closely with the Federation of Medical Boards. The
FPMB is currently developing guidelines for an
Interstate Podiatric Medical Compact and many state
associations have taken advantage of the FPMB's
referral service.

While the FPMB is not largely known throughout the
podiatric community, it is connected to every
licensed DPM in the United States through its
member boards and its role in the licensure
process. Mr. Stoner is committed to same or next
day electronic delivery of board score verification
which portrays his exceptional service to our

Marlene Reid, DPM, FPMB Vice President

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