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06/27/2023    Michael L. Brody DPM

Artificial intelligence and the Augmented Practice of Medicine (Wenjay Sung, DPM)

The Journal of the American Bar Association
recently published an article titled What
cybersecurity threats do generative AI chatbots
like ChatGPT pose to lawyers?

Software tools such as ChatGPT are 'not ready for
prime time' when it comes to Healthcare due to the
reasons that are outlined in the article. I am
optimistic about the future of IA as a tool for
the future of medicine. Note: I use the term IA -
Intelligence Augmented as opposed to artificial
intelligence. These are tools to assist us in
clinical decision-making, not tools to make
decisions for us.

When it comes to tools such as ChatGPT they are
based upon huge databases. What is in the
databases? Is the information that is being used
by the tool accurate or has inaccurate or
erroneous information made its way into the
database? Let’s assume that the database is a
database of all clinical notes for all physicians
in the country. That would be a vast treasure
trove of information to power the tool. But I ask
you this question. How many times have you seen
clinical notes generated by an EHR system that is
full of contradictory and boilerplate language
that is either inaccurate or even fabricated by
the EHR program? Is this information in the
database the tool is using to assist me in
clinical decision-making? When the security is in
place to ensure that use of a clinical decision
support tool will not compromise the privacy or
security of my patient information I will begin to
use these tools.

Once I do use these tools, I will use the
information to inform me as part of my clinical
decision process. Let’s stay informed as to what
is happening and wait until the tools do not pose
a risk to our patients.

Many EHR vendors are looking at IA tools to
enhance their products. Ask them about the
database that their tool is based on and if the
information you put into the tool (including
potential patient information) gets stored in that
database and if it is possible that if you use the
tool the PHI (protected health information) of
your patients may be seen by other users of the

Michael L. Brody DPM, Commack, NY

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