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05/02/2023    Steven Spinner, DPM

ABPM Appoints 6 New Directors

Congratulations to the ABPM Board. I would like to
send my personal vote of gratitude and appreciation
to those ABPM board members who recently resigned
their positions voluntarily. I am sure that it was
not a decision that was arrived at with light
hearts, because I am sure that they have a love for
their profession and their organization. However,
after the disruption and inappropriate behavior of
the president, Dr. Lee Rogers, I am sure that in
their conscience they had no other choice.

It is disappointing however, that the board could
not unanimously decide to remove him as the
president. It continues to amaze me how after every
major organization within our profession, including
most recently, the American Podiatric Medical
Students Association has come out in no uncertain
terms against policies recently enacted by Dr.
Rogers. It amazes me that he continues to exist in
this position. His continued presence is a cancer
that is growing from within and has done nothing
but aggrandize his own ego.

He states that he is for every podiatrist? The only
podiatrist that he is for clearly is himself. If he
had any conscience whatsoever he would have
resigned a long time ago and let people with a
clear head and pro- podiatry agenda run the
American Board of Podiatric Medicine. His addition
of a CAQ in Podiatric surgery is clearly a move
that directly attacks the sovereignty of the
American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery.

His clear agenda is to allow every podiatrist who
so desires to advertise themselves as a podiatric
surgeon by advertising that he has a CAQ in surgery
simply by passing minimal requirements. To the
unknowing public that sounds at least as good, and
possibly better than just having board
certification in Podiatric surgery. At the least it
is confusing and at the most. It is harmful to the
public. There is clearly a role for our two boards.
I believe that every podiatrist has a right and
should have access to board certification.

ABPM should serve all of those podiatrists who can
meet the requirements for certification in a number
of different specialties within our profession.
ABFAS should clearly credential those podiatrists
with advanced training, and can meet those advanced
requirements to pass the surgical board. This will
not deny any podiatrist in our country access to
any hospital, or any insurance company.

I believe that board certification should not be a
gatekeeper to get on plans or hospital staffs. The
criteria for stepping into the operating room
should be demonstrating what you are capable of…
based on your cases, your experience, and your
training. Remember, and it may sound idealistic,
but the role of board certification is to protect
the public not the doctor.

It has also disappointing me that our national
organization has not had teeth to do something
about Dr. Lee Rogers. Fortunately, his board or at
least most of it, has a conscience. Kudos to them!

Steven Spinner, DPM, Plantation, FL

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