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10/07/2002    Fran Liverman, CPC

Coding For Chemical Matrixectomy

Query: Coding For Chemical Matrixectomy
From: Fran Liverman, CPC

I was hoping someone could help me with coding
for the procedure for a chemical matrixectomy.
The op report states that the nail matrix was
destroyed by "phenol and alcohol for permanent
removal due to ingrown accessory nail". I am
leaning towards an unlisted code rather than CPT
11750 since CPT 11750 references surgical
excision, and the instructions in CPT clearly
state not to "select a CPT code that merely
approximates the service provided." Thank you for
your help.

Fran Liverman, CPC
Virginia Beach, VA

Codingline(L) Responses:

It is without a doubt the standard within the
podiatric community to code a phenol - alcohol
chemical matrixectomy as CPT 11750 (with the
appropriate toe modifiers appended). Do not use
an "unlisted code".

Mark Schilansky, DPM- Codingline Expert Panelist
Catskill NY


The PTM for Pennsylvania Blue Shield CPT 11750
also uses the terminology of "excision nail and
nail matrix , partial or complete, for permanent

In all my years with this payer, a
chemical matrixectomy (e.g., phenol and alcohol
technique) qualifies for this code, and can be
used. There have been many reviews of this code
and it has never been an issue.In my opinion, you
should continue to use this code for
matrixectomies (any method) of toes.

Howard Zlotoff, DPM- Codinline Participant
Camp Hill, PA

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