NYCPM Student Voted President-Elect of APMSA
NYCPM student Karan Sharma, Class of 2024, was voted President-Elect of APMSA at the recent mid-winter House of Delegates meeting in Nashville. He will serve one year as President-Elect, and then serve as President the following year. Previously an APMSA Alternate Delegate for his class, Mr. Sharma as President will sit on the APMSA Executive committee, APMSA Board of Trustees, Strategic Planning committee and run the APMSA house of delegates meeting. He will be a voting member at the APMA House of Delegates meeting.
| Karan Sharma |
When he becomes president, Mr. Sharma hopes to overcome the perceived disconnect among students at the nine schools of podiatric medicine. He wants to bring them together, so they might learn from each other, communicate and benefit. He would like to establish a delegate-exchange program, and perhaps create a week-long open house (maybe tied to the residency open houses) that would foster communication and exchange.