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02/07/2022    Ken Meisler, DPM

EHR Recommendations for Seasoned Podiatrist (Alan Bass, DPM)

I appreciated Dr. Bass' comments about EHR
Recommendations. However, if I am correct, Dr. Bass
has been a consultant for TrakNet and I assume
Modernizing Medicine who has purchased them. If so,
he should have disclosed this.

Like Dr. Bass, I have been with the same software
company for many years. I think I started with DR
Software in the 1980s and have stayed with them and
all of the companies that they have either been
purchased by or merged with. I am currently using
TrakNet and have been with them for at least 10
years. I have been happy with TrakNet.

Dr. Sullivan. I can't imagine how you could have
waited this long to go paperless. I became
paperless from the day I got my EMR program in the
80's. In the late ‘90s or very soon after 2000 I
went digital and from the day I got a digital x-ray
my office was paperless and totally digital with x-
rays for all new patients. There has not been a new
chart made in more than 15 years. I kept old charts
in the office in case I ever had to go back to them
or look at old x-rays. It was very infrequent that
I had to do that. Now all of the charts and x-rays
are so old that the charts were shredded and the x-
rays sold for their silver.

I have my software in-house and am considering
switching to the cloud. I think that doing research
to find the best podiatry EMR is a good idea
however in my opinion you should NOT spend too much
time. I am a consultant for 20/20 imaging and
although I think their imaging is the best I tell
people you need to become digital. I think having
paper charts and/or traditional x-ray film is like
not owning a car and being forced to bicycle to
work 15 miles a day. What you need is a car! It
doesn't matter if it is a Chevy or a Mercedes. If
you've been using paper charts this long I fear you
will delay another year or two.

Going paperless and digital for x-rays is a great
feeling. Also, please don't do like a lot of people
and keep charts and print your notes out of the EMR
that's like having a car but still bicycling to

Ken Meisler, DPM, NY, NY

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