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05/14/2021    Bryan C. Markinson, DPM

AMA To Consider Resolution With Goal of Allowing DPMS to Take USMLE Exams From:(Allen Jacobs, DPM)

Since the backslapping, and kudos, and
misinterpretation and queries about existing DPMs
taking the USMLE have begun, I feel compelled to
state my take on it. Dr. Allen Jacobs' very
accurate, but hidden assessment is one I 100%
agree with. The AAOS and AOFAS seems to have put
APMA and ACFAS into a full nelson without any
resistance whatsoever and forced them to cry
"uncle." Any DPM with an iota of self-respect
must condemn this statement in its entirety. For
those who support it ask yourselves the

1) What do you think will happen if the AMA takes
up this resolution to "study" our education from
the top down to see how it compares to MD/DO?
I'll tell will be disemboweled pure and
simple. You will see how the retrofit about
simple addition of gynecology and psychology
class that we have been espousing, will be the
laughing stock of the medical community. Front
and center you will see that the differences in
the educational experience of a DPM will be hung
out to dry publicly simply on how it does not
match up. No mention will be made about anything
good we hold as the domain of the DPM specialty

2) What makes you think that the NBME and the
LCME will take on the project? If they do, the
resolution already states that curriculum change
will have to result in equal, not be "like."
What DPM courses will be sacrificed to
accommodate this? The second two years of
podiatric medical education will be decimated.
(See question 1)

3) Why would any talented college student commit
to an MD curriculum AND a limited license to
practice podiatry?

4) Have you taken a look at what else the AMA
HOD has in store for us...mainly that you can't
refer to yourself ever as a physician...thanks so
much to all of our graduates in the past few
years who have insisted on saying they went to
"medical school" unchecked, unimpeded, not asked
to stop.

5) Has the AACPM signed on this or even been
consulted? Doubt it.

Also, consider this, the amount of retrofitting
and change will be so monumental as to nullify
this plan at its outset, and the "you can’t call
yourself doctor" will pass and they will lobby
every state legislature to follow it.

Have I misunderstood? I don't think so. If I
have, then the ACFAS and APMA need to clarify.

Bryan C. Markinson, DPM, NY, NY

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