From: Steve E Abraham, DPM
I purchased squaric acid from I bought a 5g bottle; it seemed small but lasted several years. I mix some in sterile water. How much? Enough to make a supersaturated solution. After thorough shaking, some settles to the bottom. That's okay. I apply a "50 cent size" liberal application on the patient's forearm. I circle the area with a black magic marker. It is not necessary to cover, but sometimes we cover it. The patient keeps it dry for at least 24 hours.
They return in 2-3 days, and I repeat the process. They must wait for about 2-3 weeks before beginning to apply the squaric acid solution, allowing time for antibodies to build. The patient then shakes the bottle, uses a cotton-tipped applicator, and applies the squaric acid to the wart liberally. This is done twice a day for 3-4 weeks. We find that after a week, the color of the wart changes. Sometimes it is grey, sometimes silvery; it begins to look different. After about 4 weeks the wart shrivels, dies, and falls off.
There is NO pain with this procedure. I have used this on 6 patients, 3 of them with recalcitrant warts, and 3 with new warts. All resolved without any incident or issues. There are several sources for this treatment protocol. It works really nicely on young children.
Steve E Abraham, DPM, NY, NY