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08/28/2020    Paul Kesselman, DPM

Checking for Same or Similar DME (Edward Cohen, DPM)

Each DME MAC has a provider portal where Same
or Similar can be researched. My CGS is the
portal for DME MAC Region B and C. Go to either
of those DME MAC home pages and look for the
MYCGS link. There are several hurdles in
signing up. I’ve been working with their portal
managers to make signing up and maintaining
one’s subscription less frustrating.

Once on the MY CGS Portal the claims history
button provides a way to input previous “L“
codes and to a search history. There continue
to be nuances with the portal which need
updating and I have a meeting scheduled next
week with the My CGS Team.

Your far inferior alternative to using the
portal is to call the DME MAC and do your Same
or Similar search using their IVR or speak to a
CSR, which takes way more time than the portal.

As for those with patients in Noridian A and D,
their portal is far superior to that of My CGS
for a variety of reasons. The Noridian portal
can be accessed , again requiring sign up, via
the Noridian Home Page.

Noridian actually has a Same or Similar button,
making your search almost flawless.

It is important to search all four DME MAC for
a potential Same or Similar as this data may
not be shared prior to your attempt at payment.

Of course, the payment data is shared and you
won’t find out there is an issue until after
the fact.

I have written several articles in Podiatry
Management on this subject. I suggest reviewing
them for more information.

Lastly the APMA DME Workgroup, which I lead, is
currently developing a Power Point to help our
members negotiate the Same or Similar issue.

It should be ready by no later than late
September or early October.

Yet another APMA member benefit.

Paul Kesselman, DPM, Woodside, NY

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