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02/20/2020    Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM

Should a wound care rotation be a part of residency? (Robin Lenz, DPM)

Robin Lenz, DPM recently wrote a letter
explaining how important wound care issues are
and should be a part of every DPM residency. I
strongly agree. Some years before I retired, I
heard an orthopedist who routinely used
Achilles Tendon lengthening and gastrocnemius
recession to treat very severe diabetic
ulcerations, even for patients with very poor
circulation. He presented sound evidence that
this should be a “part of podiatric care” for
diabetic ulcers. He made the point that DPMs
should be doing MANY more of these than
presently done. He also used some tendon
releases in other tendons, but most of his
surgery was gastroc recession and Achilles
tendon lengthening.

When questioned about malpractice risk for
patients with very poor circulation, he
provided data that showed virtually NO
amputations after his surgeries. I found this
shocking and unexpected.

I had always thought that surgery on diabetics
is rife with malpractice risk and that DPMs
should be wary of attempting it. Perhaps this
should be “restricted” to DPMs, DOs and MDs
associated with a large medical group or
academic environment that would provide deep
pocket back-up. Or so I thought. This
orthopedist strongly disagreed. (We should also
mention that these types of procedures are
available in minimal incision format which
makes them even more attractive.)

This represents a “marriage” between foot and
ankle biomechanics, foot type diagnosis, severe
metabolic disease, ulcerations, and surgery. It
fits together like a jigsaw puzzle. I present
this argument with multiple literature
Excellent bibliography of references

Surgery and ulcer healing in patients with
equinus | Lower Extremity Review Magazine
Excellent discussion of various types of tendon
lengthening procedures. (Very good list of 11
specific references)

I applaud Dr. Lenz for very modern thinking
about diabetic wound care. We are now
graduating thousands of nurse-practitioners and
others who are looking to take on a role in
foot care. Surgery on diabetics and others with
severe lesions are not only very successful
(according to the literature), but also keeps
us firmly planted in a range that is consonant
with our excellent training. It keeps us

All indications point to a continued epidemic
of Type II diabetes in our populations. This is
an important arena where podiatrists can
maintain their legitimacy in care we provide to

Michael M. Rosenblatt, DPM, Henderson, NV

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