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12/13/2019    Janet McCormick, MS

15 Docs Fired From IL Health System to Be Replaced With NPs (Bill Beaton, DPM)

In answer to Dr. Beaton's comment "We have
already lost general foot care to pedicurists
because of inaction by our profession to prevent
practicing podiatry without a license." In no
way have podiatrists lost general foot care to
pedicurists, and many podiatrists disagree with
you and are hiring advanced trained pedicurists
to allow them expansion of their incomes.

A medical nail technician (MNT) is NOT trained
in general foot care and is not allowed in any
state to perform it. They are licensed, however,
to trim nails, reduce girth, and moisturize the
feet on HEALTHY and controlled patients so that
the podiatrists can perform more lucrative
services during times they may be instead doing
low-ROI RFC. Anything more is referred across
the office to the podiatrist (resulting many
times in early care for the patient) or, if in a
foot spa, to a partner podiatrist in another
location. They are NOT allowed to diagnose or
perform medical are, but are trained to work
safely on persons with controlled illnesses and
to refer them immediately when needed.
In many offices the patient list is expanded
through having an MNT in the office or as an
off-location referral resource. Outside clients
come in for safe pedicures and thus consider
this practice as their podiatry home.

No way do pedicurists want to take your
patients. Certified MNTs know the danger in
working outside their scope of practice and are
trained in safe cosmetic care on chronically ill
clients and in referring to podiatrists who are
willing to partner with them. They do NOT want
to take over their general foot care!

Janet McCormick, MS, Frost Proof, FL

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