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From: Todd Rotwein, DPM, Bill Beaton, DPM 


While I can certainly appreciate Dr. Chaskin's concern for NPs, my sympathies lie more with the 15 doctors. Nothing better underscores the need for physicians to unionize.


Todd Rotwein, DPM, Hempstead, NY


Don’t all states have podiatry practice acts that license podiatrists and protect the public from unlicensed practitioners? I wonder what the dental profession would do if NPs or PAs began to provide dental services. They should not be any better protected than podiatrists. We have already lost general foot care to pedicurists because of inaction by our profession to prevent practicing podiatry without a license. In addition most orthotic care is now being provided by those advertising custom-fitted arch supports to relieve foot, knee, and low back pain. Sadly, the public is being advertised into inferior foot care.


Bill Beaton, DPM, Saint Petersburg, FL

Other messages in this thread:



From: Kevin A. Kirby, DPM


It appears as if the “Barefoot Professor”, Daniel Lieberman, PhD, is at it again. As some of you may remember, Dr. Lieberman was at the forefront of the failed barefoot running and minimalist running shoe fads a decade ago when he and his co-authors suggested that midfoot and forefoot striking running would help prevent injuries in runners in his questionable study on barefoot running (Lieberman DE, Vankadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D’Andrea S, Davis IS, Mang’Eni RO, Pitsiladis Y: Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Nature 463: 531-536, 2010).


Lieberman then became to be known as the “Barefoot Professor” in the barefoot-running-crazed media of the time. His lab at Harvard was funded for many years by Vibram FiveFinger, a company which later on agreed to a class-action settlement for $3.75 million due to...


Editor's note: Dr. Kirby's extended-length letter can be read here.



From: Bryan C. Markinson, DPM


This ongoing discussion presents an interesting set of opinions centering on the themes of medical necessity, complications, and litigation. We should all adhere to the same accepted ethical standards regarding full informed consent (as Dr. Jacobs has stated) no matter what the reason for the patient wanting the surgery. Even without any threat of litigation, all of us can appreciate the attendant frustrations and anxiety that accompanies a less than optimum result, and the wide divergence of patient opinion on what is optimum and what is not. We all know how one unhappy patient can make us forget the many happy ones.


Based on my review of cases alleging failure to adhere to accepted standards of care, once litigation comes into the picture, any establishment by plaintiff or defense that the procedure was for cosmetic purposes, or to fit in fashionable shoes, etc. NO MATTER HOW WELL INFORMED (also subject to wide interpretation about how well informed is well informed enough), puts the defense at a not insurmountable but definite disadvantage.


Bryan C. Markinson, DPM, NY, NY



From: Scott L. Schulman, DPM


An 82 year old unhealthy patient presented with a horribly painful bunion, with an infected ulcer, and asked me to fix the bunion and end his pain.  I found him not to be a surgical candidate and could offer little help other than standard ulcer care and off-loading. He responded, "Why the heck didn't that other guy tell me this could happen and why didn't he fix it 10 years ago?


Bunions are hereditary, PROGRESSIVE deformities that WILL in most cases get worse. I do not think it is "Just cosmetic." Doctors don't just treat pain, they treat conditions and potential problems. High blood pressure does not hurt. Neither does melanoma or even dental cavities, but we treat these conditions to PREVENT bigger problems down the road. How many bunions end up causing bigger problems later?  I think we owe it to our patients to at least educate them on the progression and likelihood of bigger issues, increased pain, and more extensive surgery down the road if left untreated. 


Scott L. Schulman, DPM, Indianapolis, IN



From: Elliot Udell, DPM


Kudos to Dr. Canales for picking up that rare MRSA infection and saving the patient's leg. Reading stories like this continues to make me proud to be part of this profession.


Perhaps the infection was caused by an injection, but I assume that the urgent care center used proper aseptic technique in giving injections. This past month, a patient presented to my office with an interesting medical history. He developed sudden back pain, went to multiple doctors, and finally was diagnosed with a staph infection of the spine which had to be surgically drained. He never had a spinal injection or procedure in his life, and there were no other obvious portals of entry.


Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY,

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