Quick Survey Archives
Click on title to see results!
- How do you e-prescribe?
- Do you advise patients to walk barefoot at home?
- How satisfied are you with your career in podiatry?
- How did your 2024 net income/salary compare to that of 2023?
- Do you decorate your office for the holidays?
- Will you contact your Representative About H.R. 10073 (Medicare Fee Bill this week)?
- What is your opinion on desktop shockwave therapy machines?
- Who represents the biggest competitive threat to podiatrists?
- Have you been sued for malpractice?
- Should ABFAS & ABPM agree to binding arbitration on the one board issue?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with Covid-19?
- Which of these vaccinations have you had (or intend to have) this year?
- Would you support a class action lawsuit against retail stores selling "custom orthotics" for practicing podiatric medicine without a license?
- Do you get paid for hospital on-call visits?
- Does your staff obtain patients' vital signs on every visit?
- Do you charge a fee for no-shows?
- Are you in favor of APMA's proposed definition of podiatry?
- When was the last time you changed your passwords?
- What term best describes your professional title?
- How damaging do you think AMA's recent social media misrepresentation of podiatrists will be?
- Do you make house calls?
- Do you have Saturday hours?
- How do you assess your clinical workload?
- Do you use cellular tissue products to heal wounds?
- Should the next APMA Executive Director be a podiatrist?
- What is your typical breakdown of treatments?
- Do you allow comfort pets in your office/facility?
- Which type(s) of bunion surgery do you perform?
- Are you in favor of a 6-year college/podiatry school option?
- Are you "on call" at a local hospital?
- How satisfied are you with your career in podiatry?
- How many months of cash reserve does your practice have in case of an emergency?
- Do you think you have adequate disability insurance?
- Are you in favor of APMA Policy Proposition 2-24: One Board in Podiatric Medicine & Surgery?
- Was your practice affected by the recent Change Healthcare cyberattack?
- How effective is your treatment of onychomycosis?
- Does your practice use EHR, and if so, what are the monthly fees?
- What is your current practice stress level?
- Do you charge a service fee on credit cards?
- Did you (or will you) take the new DEA MATE training?
- How much time do you spend doing paperwork vs. treating patients?
- How many biopsies do you perform per month
- How did your 2023 net income/salary compare to that of 2022?
- Did you give your staff a year-end bonus?
- What is your approximate monthly distribution of E/M codes for office visits?
- Are you satisfied with your current orthotics lab?
- Are you in favor of the proposed merger of ABPM and ABMSP?
- Would you hire a medical nail tech?
- Are you having (or did your practice have) a holiday party this year?
- Of the orthotics (custom and pre-fab) you dispense, what percent are NEW orthotic users vs. repeat patients?
- How satisfied are you with your EMR?
- How satisfied are you with your career choice?
- Is your office protected by a security system?
- Does your website allow patients to make appointments?
- Do you use platelet-rich plasma injections in your practice?
- Do you support a CPME-approved mandatory pain management/substance use disorder rotation during residency training?
- Should certifying boards grant emeritus status to retired podiatrists?
- How often do you check your online reviews?
- Would you be willing to mentor a prospective podiatry student?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income
- Do you use holistic therapies in your practice?
- How prepared do you think you were for beginning practice following your post-graduate training?
- What is the biggest existential threat to podiatry?
- Do you use a collection agency?
- Do you ever use any form of conscious sedation in your office?
- At what age do you plan to retire as a practicing podiatrist?
- Are you in favor of a uniform scope of practice law for podiatrists?
- How do you dispose of old patient x-rays?
- How frequently do you perform MIS surgery?
- Do you intend to take the new DEA MATE training?
- How did your 1st quarter revenue compare to the 1st quarter of 2022?
- How much did you increase staff salaries in the last year
- Are you in favor of a single unified certifying board for podiatrists?
- Do you maintain a list of patient emails?
- Do you provide patients with your cell phone number?
- Do you provide patients your patients with your cell phone number?
- Do you provide patients your patients with your cell phone number?
- Do you provide patients your patients with your cell phone number?
- Do you still wear a mask while treating patients?
- Would you be interested in an online 18-24 month course to obtain a PA degree and license?
- How satisfied are you with your state's scope of practice law?
- Which (if any) of these alternate payment methods do you process the most?
- Has Ciox requested patient records from your office?
- Do you favor a legislative change of the Medicare classification of DPMs from (r)(3) to that of MDs/DOs (r)(1)?
- What term best describes your professional title?
- How has your patient volume been this winter compared to the winter of 2022?
- Do you recommend podiatry as a career to patients and/or their children?
- Should board certification be required for licensure to perform ankle surgery?
- How did your 2022 net income/salary compare to that of 2021?
- What was your major in college?
- Do you perform bilateral bunion surgery on the same day?
- When prescribing terbinafine for healthy patients with onychomycosis, do you request liver function tests?
- How has inflation affected your holiday gift giving?
- What post-graduate training do you have?
- What do you think about nurses being certified in foot care?
- Will you (or did you) vote in the mid-term elections?
- Do you use patient scheduling software?
- Do you participate in Medicare Advantage plans?
- Do you examine patients' footwear for wear patterns?
- Are you in favor of a single unified certifying board for podiatrists?
- Are you in favor of ABPM's Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in Podiatric Surgery?
- Did you file for MIPS this year?
- What is the best way to achieve parity with allopathic physicians?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- How many VIRTUAL CME credits does your state allow per year?
- How many biopsies do you perform per month?
- Do you charge a service fee on credit cards?
- How has practice burnout affected you?
- Do you own a gun?
- How do you most commonly treat acute gout?
- What have you found to be the most effective treatment for severe onychomycosis?
- Have you ever tested positive for COVID-19?
- Do you use or prescribe HBO treatments in your practice?
- What would you recommend as a career for your child?
- Have you diagnosed or treated COVID-19 related foot conditions?
- What generation do you consider yourself?
- Do you intend to renew your DEA license?
- Which procedure do you perform for refractory plantar fasciitis?
- What percentage of your practice involves biomechanics (orthotics, surgery, and footwear)?
- Do you use amniotic injections?
- What percentage of your patients, do you think, purchase DME online?
- What percentage of your surgeries are done in-office?
- When do you predict the CDC mask mandate for practices will be lifted?
- Do you work at/own any business besides practicing podiatry?
- Have you seriously considered converting your practice to cash only, even if your net income might be lower?
- How satisfied are you with your EMR?
- How satisfied are you with your career choice?
- Do you receive a lot of unwanted faxes?
- Have podiatrists achieved parity with allopathic physicians?
- How did your 2021 net income/salary compare to that of 2020?
- Are you having or did your practice have a holiday party this year?
- What percentage of your DME billings are denied for "Same or Similar"?
- How much do you think the omicron variant will affect your practice?
- Are you planning to attend any in-person podiatry conferences in 2022?
- Do you have privileges at an ambulatory surgical center?
- Has your office or hospital been hit with a ransomware attack?
- How much have you been affected by the recent increase in inflation?
- What percentage of your insurance claims are initially denied?
- What percentage of insurance payments do you receive electronically?
- Should podiatry associations poll their members on important issues?
- Do you use Dragon (or similar) voice dictation?
- How frequently do you perform MIS surgery?
- Do you deny in-office visits to unvaccinated and unmasked adult patients?
- Do you prescribe off-label medications for pain?
- What percentage of your practice consists of these conditions?
- Should podiatrists train allied health professionals in medical grade foot care?
- Do you have student loans, and if so, have you refinanced them?
- What percentage of your staff (including yourself) has tested positive for COVID-19?
- At what age do you intend to (or did you) retire at?
- What is your current practice stress level?
- When do you anticipate your practice returning to pre-pandemic safety protocols?
- What percentage of your patient encounters are related to improper footwear?
- What is your policy on mask wearing in the office?
- Are you in favor of the proposed AMA Resolution allowing podiatric students and residents to take the USMLE Exams?
- Should podiatrists have the opportunity to train to be Mohs surgeons?
- Do you have an emergency crash cart in your office?
- When do you anticipate physically attending meetings and seminars again?
- How do you record visit notes in a patient's chart?
- Do you give ultrasound-guided injections?
- What is your primary treatment for Morton's neuroma?
- When do you think you will no longer require patients to wear masks?
- Under the new HHS guidelines, will you be signing up to be a vaccinator?
- Which method do you use to fixate an Austin bunionectomy?
- What type of flooring is in your treatment rooms?
- Have you been fully vaccinated for COVID-19?
- Are you in favor of podiatrists getting a plenary license?
- Should podiatry residencies have a mandatory pain management rotation?
- Should podiatry present itself as a profession or a medical specialty?
- Do you routinely order liver function tests when prescribing oral Lamisil?
- Will your practice require staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccination?
- How did your 2020 net income/salary compare to that of 2019?
- Is the proposed residency requirement of 50 biomechanical exams adequate?
- Have you received a COVID-19 vaccination yet?
- How do you generally apply an Unna boot?
- How do you most commonly treat acute gout?
- How much has the second wave of the pandemic affected your practice?
- How satisfied are you with your career choice?
- How much does your practice charge for patients' charts sent for insurance audits?
- Since the onset of COVID-19 are you recommending more or less home remedies to patients?
- What best describes your memories about the podiatry school you attended?
- When, if at all, do you plan to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you?
- What should the profession most prioritize to advance podiatry?
- Do you have a succession plan in your practice?
- Do you expect to continue suitable telemedicine visits post-pandemic?
- What percentage of your pre-covid patient load did you see last week?
- What best represents the value of a typical podiatry practice?
- Which form of CME works best for you?
- How long do you wear the same mask in your office?
- What type of mask do you wear in the office?
- Which area of your practice has been MOST adversely affected by the pandemic?
- Have you hired staff back?
- Do you grind mycotic or dystrophic toenails?
- Have you been tested for the coronavirus?
- When do you anticipate your patient load will return to normal?
- What percentage of your normal patient load did you see last week?
- Do you require staff and/or patients to wear face masks?
- Are you examining and/or treating patients via telehealth?
- Have you received your Paycheck Protection Program loan yet?
- How do you anticipate receiving most of your CMEs in the future?
- Has your practice had to lay off any employees?
- Which of these SBA loans are you applying for?
- Would you agree to treat non-podiatric COVID-19 patients if your state asked?
- What percentage of your normal patient load did you see last week?
- What best describes the status of your practice during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- How much do you predict the coronavirus will financially affect your practice?
- If nurse practitioners obtain full practice authority, how do you predict it will financially affect podiatry?
- How much do you predict the coronavirus will financially affect your practice?
- What BEST describes your bone surgery privileges?
- Should a wound care rotation be part of podiatric residency training?
- Do you use pre-filled syringes and/or multi-dose vials?
- What's your opinion of the My Feet Are Killing Me cable TV series?
- How did your 2019 net income/salary compare to that of 2018?
- How much in assets must you have to comfortably retire?
- How many days did you have to take off from work in 2019 due to illness or injury?
- Would you use dermal fillers if they were FDA-approved for feet?
- How do you predict YOUR practice will perform in the new decade?
- What type of holiday gift(s) do you give to staff?
- What music (if any) do you play in your office during the Christmas season?
- Does your practice hold regularly scheduled staff meetings?
- How many bunion procedures do you perform in a year?
- Which operating system do you use on the computers in your practice?
- Do you recommend or dispense cannabidiol CBD products?
- Would you join a supergroup if you could?
- Should podiatry have a separate medically intensive residency?
- Does your practice have business interruption insurance?
- Does your office have an air purifier or air filtration system?
- Do you participate in the Medicare Diabetic Shoe Program?
- Does current residency training include the proper amount of biomechanics?
- Are you getting a flu shot this season?
- What type of telephone service do you primarily use for your practice?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- Is having a physician extender (PA, RN, etc.) a good idea for podiatrists?
- Quick Poll Should podiatry have a single board certification with added sub-specialties?
- How has practice burnout affected you?
- How do you sterilize nail nippers between uses?
- How many days a week do you typically practice?
- Have you implemented EMR in your practice?
- Does your practice have a fall prevention protocol?
- Are clinical practice guidelines beneficial or detrimental to the way you practice?
- Do you and/or your staff have current CPR certification?
- What percentage of your foot wound patients also have a wound on their leg(s)?
- Do you send appointment reminders to patients?
- Do you rely on a Gram's stain to guide antibiotic therapy?
- Do you allow patients to videotape treatments or surgical procedures?
- Compared to tax year 2017, how much income tax did you pay for 2018?
- How often do you treat ulcers on the lower leg (above the ankle)?
- How often do you diagnose a new pre-diabetic or diabetic patient?
- Should practicing podiatrists be allowed to take the USMLE or COMLEX exams?
- Should podiatric students take the USMLE or COMLEX exams?
- How often have you diagnosed melanoma?
- How often do you prescribe opioids for chronic foot or ankle pain?
- What is the best way to achieve parity with other allopathic physicians?
- How long was (or is) your residency training?
- Is podiatry a surgical specialty or is surgery a sub-specialty of podiatry?
- Should podiatrists be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana?
- How (if at all) do you prescribe terbinafine for onychomycosis?
- How did your 2018 net income/salary compare to that of 2017?
- Do you participate in the diabetic shoe program?
- What percentage of your CME requirement does your state allow you to take online or in print?
- What is your current employment status?
- What test do you order/perform to confirm a partial plantar plate tear?
- Have you moved to another state to increase your scope of practice?
- Have you ever been denied acceptance to an insurance panel?
- How is your overall health?
- What is your approximate monthly distribution of E/M codes for office visits?
- What is your outlook for podiatry in the next 5 years?
- What percentage of your patients use your portal to access their medical records?
- Have you ever conducted a patient satisfaction survey?
- Which test(s) do you use to confirm onychomycosis?
- Do you use Dragon (or similar) voice dictation?
- Should podiatrists be allowed to trim fingernails?
- How many medical reference apps are on your smartphone?
- What term best describes your professional title?
- How many times per week do you exercise?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- What do you charge for a pair of typical custom orthotics?
- Did you achieve an exceptional provider MIPS bonus (score over 70) for performance year 2017?
- Are you eligible to participate in the MIPS program for 2018?
- Do you give tetanus shots?
- Do you prescribe uric acid lowering drugs for the management of acute or chronic gout?
- What term best describes your professional title?
- Do you offer extended office hours?
- Do you have Saturday office hours?
- What is your medical billing net collection rate?
- Would you hire a medical nail tech for your practice?
- What attire do you typically wear at the office?
- Which device do you use for taking photos of feet in the office?
- How satisfied are you with your EMR
- How often do you order lower extremity MRIs?
- When did you first become aware of a career in podiatry?
- Where do you perform percutaneous tenotomies?
- What is the biggest challenge facing podiatry?
- Do you use compounding pharmacies?
- How do you grind mycotic nails?
- What do you use for PIPJ arthrodesis for hammertoe repair?
- Do you autoclave your office instruments?
- Do you currently use Practice Fusion?
- How has the opioid crisis affected your prescribing?
- Which do think is the most accurate formula for valuing a practice?
- Do you perform ABIs on patients?
- Do you make housecalls?
- What type of x-ray system do you use?
- How and where do you store your new patient records?
- How did your 2017 net income compare to that of 2016?
- Do you participate in the Medicare Diabetic Therapeutic Shoe Program?
- Will cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin eventually be accepted forms of payment in podiatry offices?
- The ABFAS exam pass rates are...?
- Will eliminating the ACA mandate help podiatry?
- Do you use a drill to debride nails?
- How often do you check patients' blood pressure?
- How often do you check your online reviews?
- Do you use a collection agency?
- How many CMEs should you be allowed to take online?
- How will MIPS affect patient care?
- What percentage of your surgery is performed in...?
- What best describes your off-loading protocol immediately after a plantar diabetic wound has healed?
- When you finished your training, at what point did you feel comfortable doing bunion surgery on your own?
- Which of the following social media do you use to market your practice?
- If given the chance, would you use paper records instead of EMR?
- How many weeks of vacation will you take this year?
- In the past 5 years, have you been dropped by any insurer?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- Do you use a scribe in your practice?
- Should podiatrists be allowed to be expert witnesses in orthopedic malpractice cases?
- Should orthopedic surgeons be allowed to be expert witnesses in podiatric malpractice cases?
- How do you treat acute gout?
- How often do you advise patients about proper footwear?
- Which Health Act is Better: ACA or AHCA (House Version)?
- Do you use your EMR system to send email blasts of foot health awareness information to your patients?
- Do you think your practice's data system is strong enough to protect patient information against an attempted hacking or breach?
- Do you employ staff (beauticians, nail technicians, etc.) to perform non-reimbursable routine foot care?
- What is the best way to avoid first appointment no-shows?
- Which HCPCS code do you use most for custom-fabricated orthotics used in non-dress shoes?
- What type of retirement account(s) do you have?
- Have you filed your 2016 Income Tax Return?
- Quick Poll Should APMA change its name to the American Association of Foot & Ankle Specialists?
- Did you submit for Meaningful Use for 2016?
- Do you allow pets in your office?
- What type of vehicle do you primarily drive?
- How many podiatry-related organizations do you belong to?
- How much have the new opioid warnings and regulations affected your prescribing of pain medications?
- Do you currently participate in ACA (Obamacare) Plans?
- For Medicare payments for x-rays since the start of the year, have you been:
- If we changed our degree to MD, would we maintain our identity as podiatrists?
- Do you plan to participate in MACRA/MIPS this year?
- Will the impending repeal/replacement of ACA benefit podiatry?
- How did your 2016 net income compare to that of 2015?
- How many times in 2016 did a technology problem (EMR, digital x-ray) cause you to be unable to access a patient's chart or to take an x-ray?
- For what reason will you likely (or did you) retire?
- How do you manage patients’ credit card information?
- Prior to podiatry school, did you apply for medical, osteopathic, or dental school?
- How familiar are you with MACRA?
- How many weeks of vacation will you take this year?
- How do you feel podiatrists will fare under the Trump administration?
- How often does insurance coverage affect your treatment plan for a patient?
- Have you ever performed a type of procedure just to fulfill a certification requirement when you thought a different procedure might be better for the patient?
- What would you recommend as a career for your child?
- How satisfied are you with your career in podiatry?
- If you had to start out in practice today, which path would you take?
- How did you start out in practice?
- Do you think it is still worthwhile to advertise in the print version of the Yellow Pages/Yellow Book?
- Have you implemented ePrescribing?
- Have you ever ordered tests that you thought were medically unnecessary just to avoid a potential lawsuit?
- What overall grade would you give to the Affordable Care Act?
- How will the changing healthcare environment affect your retirement plans?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- How do you dress when treating patients?
- If you could legally prescribe medical marijuana, would you prescribe it?
- Which of the following best describes your patient load?
- When you administer a steroid injection, how do you bill for it?
- How do you diagnose tinea pedis in your practice setting?
- Have you contacted your senators about the Department of Veterans Affairs Provider Equity Act?
- Based on what you know about MACRA, which value-based payment method would you choose?
- What percentage of your Medicare patients who come in for care of nails and/or corns and calluses pay cash as a non-covered service?
- If U.S. physicians went on strike, would you join them?
- What percentage of your bunion surgeries are done in-office?
- Did you (or your employer) contribute to your retirement account(s) for tax year 2015?
- How often do you exercise or play sports?
- How often do you monitor online reputation sites about your practice?
- Which method (s) (percentagewise) do you use to prescribe?
- Class sizes at podiatry schools should...
- Which type of x-ray system do you use?
- Which presidential candidate has the best healthcare plan?
- If a patient suffered a stroke prior to treatment, would you bill an E/M code?
- How do you see the trend with podiatrists as part of orthopedic groups?
- Do you provide co-pay assistance or drug manufacturers' coupons to your patients?
- Will you be filing for an EHR Hardship exception?
- If a 6-month course were available to upgrade your degree to MD, would you consider enrolling?
- Do you use diagnostic ultrasound in your practice?
- Do you use or prescribe HBO treatments in your practice?
- Should Dr. Scholl's be allowed to advertise "custom-fit orthotics"?
- How have government initiatives affected patient care?
- If you were to start over, which practice model would you choose?
- Do you decorate your office for the holidays?
- In general, how long do your patients wait for an appointment?
- How will the shift from fee-for-service to value-based payments affect podiatry?
- How long do your patients typically wait to be seen?
- Will you receive a PQRS Penalty in 2016?
- Do you use multi-dose vials in your practice?
- If there were a one-day physician strike, would you participate?
- In the past year, how has your use of generic vs. proprietary drugs changed?
- Are you in favor of mandatory flu shots for medical personnel?
- How do you get your CME credits? (indicate % of each)
- Are you a Workers' Compensation Provider?
- How is the first week of ICD-10 going for you?
- How did your first half year's income compare to last year's first half income?
- Are you ready for ICD-10?
- Do you charge a fee for no-shows?
- If you had the opportunity, would you join a podiatric supergroup?
- How do you think the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has affected your practice?
- Do you think you have adequate disability insurance?
- If you use an EMR, do you backup patient data?
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Do you consider yourself a workaholic?
- How often do you forego writing a prescription because it requires pre-authorization?
- Who covers your practice when you go on vacation?
- Do you use ESWT in your practice?
- Do you believe that a merger of ABPM and ABFAS as one certifying board will benefit podiatry?
- Will the SGR "doc fix" benefit podiatrists in the long run?
- Do you make house calls?
- How long do you think will it take until the residency shortage ends?
- Now that the House has overwhelmingly passed the "doc fix", will the Senate follow through?
- Will the latest proposed Sustainable Growth Rate "Doc Fix" Bill pass?
- Which of these is your biggest technology challenge?
- Are you satisfied with your EMR system?
- If our degree changed to MD or DO, would podiatry lose its identity?
- Should a podiatry license be transferable to any state?
- Are you ready for ICD-10?
- Do you schedule annual comprehensive diabetic foot exams (CDFE) visits for your diabetic patients?
- Do you require credit cards to guarantee payment?
- How do you treat onychomycosis?
- How many biopsies do you perform per month?
- How many hospitals do you have admitting privileges at?
- What was your 2014 net podiatry income compared to 2013?
- How many bone surgeries per month do you perform?
- How long was your residency?
- How do you handle your coding/billing?
- What do think Congress will do with the SGR Medicare formula in 2015?
- Which of the following do you think contributes most to practice burnout?
- Do you plan on participating in Meaningful Use in 2015?
- Are you getting a flu shot this season?
- Does your practice dispense nutritional supplements?
- How do you handle calls when your office is closed?
- What is your policy on cellphone use by patients?
- What is your % of choice of Austin bunionectomy fixation techniques?
- Which is your primary method for patient callback?
- How often do you refer a patient to a pedorthist?
- Do you think that antibiotic use is...?
- Which bunionectomy do you most commonly perform?
- How many weeks of vacation will you take this year?
- Are you certified in basic life support?
- In the past year, has your staff size...
- How would you best describe yourself politically?
- Do you have an automated external defibrillator (AED) in your office?
- Are you ready for ICD-10?
- Which best describes your attitude toward practicing podiatry today?
- Are you in favor of a single payer system?
- What percentage of your prescriptions are e-prescriptions?
- At what age do you plan to retire from podiatry?
- Which method do you use most for permanent nail removal?
- How does 2014 1st quarter revenue compare to the 1st quarter of 2013?
- Do you perform cosmetic foot surgery?
- Which do you most commonly use for heel spur injections?
- Which operating system do you use on your office computers?
- Do you routinely take fungal cultures on your patients with onychomycosis?
- Should podiatry school be three years?
- Do you make house calls?
- So far, how has the Affordable Care Act affected your practice?
- Which of the following most closely reflects the malpractice insurance you carry?
- Should podiatry colleges allow faculty to testify as expert witnesses in malpractice cases?
- In the past year, have you been asked to return money to insurance companies for procedures deemed investigational or experimental ?
- If the American Board of Podiatric Public Health were recertified, would you apply?
- What percentage of your practice is routine foot care?
- If you use EHR, were you audited in 2013?
- Would you post your fees online?
- Do you require your staff to get flu vaccinations?
- Have you recently been dropped from an insurance network?
- Would you change occupations if you could?
- Will you ask your congressman to support the SGR Bill this week?
- Have you been sued for medical malpractice?
- Do you plan to change your staff size in 2014?
- Does your office policy allow staff to accept gratuities?
- Which brand of pre-fabricated orthotic do you dispense in your office?
- Do you use a smartphone?
- Do you use fax in your office?
- Has your office ever been embezzeled?
- How many podiatry meetings are you planning to attend in 2014?
- Do You Use a Laser to Treat Onychomycosis?
- Do you use photo-documentation in your practice?
- How do you think the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will affect your practice?
- How do you currently off-load most of your DFUs?
- The podiatry colleges are graduating
- Do you currently provide healthcare insurance for your full-time employees?
- What percentage of your patient encounters are for pre-op, post-op, and surgery combined?
- What percentage of patient encounters in your office are for the following conditions ?
- Who casts for orthotics in your office?
- How much of your practice involves bone surgery?
- Do you participate in the Medicare Diabetic Shoe Program?
- Do you work at/own any business besides practicing podiatry?
- Would you use a Sears tool to replace a cast cutter if it worked as well?
- Does your practice have a Facebook page?
- Does your practice have a website?
- Has your income changed in the last 6 months?
- How frequently do you perform MIS surgery?
- Do you use compounding pharmacies?
- Should podiatric assistants be allowed to perform routine foot care (as defined by Medicare)?
- What do you do after discovering that staff delays patient appointments?
- Do you recommend barefoot running?
- Do you charge a penalty fee for missed appointments?
- What type of digital radiography system does your office use?
- What would you recommend as a career for your child?
- Is your office handicapped accessible?
- Do you hire people who smoke?
- Have you implemented EMR in your practice?
- How satisfied are you with your career in podiatry?
- Assuming additional residencies are not added, which is the better way to ease the residency shortage ?
- Are you in favor of the training of podiatric assistants to do routine foot care?
- If you use a laser to treat fungus nails, compared to oral terbinafine, do you think the laser is:
- Do you fixate metatarsal osteotomies?