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From: Paul Busman, DPM, RN


"We clearly notify them of our policy which states that we need 24 hour notice for cancellation; otherwise we will send them a bill for $100." - Ara Kelekian, DPM


Colleagues with more legal knowledge than me might disagree, but I don't think that potential patients who don't show up for that appointment are in any way obligated to pay that $100 bill. A phone call to make an appointment does not enter them into a doctor/patient relationship which puts financial obligations onto them. Many might see it as a sign that the doctor is more interested in money than patient care. As annoying as those missed appointments are, I don't think that this is the way to handle it.


In another response to this thread, Dr. Udell says something to the effect that it's frustrating to have staff sitting around with "nothing to do." As our OR supervisors are quick to rightly point out, there is ALWAYS something to do. There are tons of little tasks that we're often too busy to get around to. That missed appointment may be a blessing in disguise, giving time to get some of those tasks done.  


Paul Busman, DPM, RN, Clifton, Park NY

Other messages in this thread:



From: Olga Luepschen, DPM


I recently had to take my dog to a veterinarian. Our local veterinarians said my Corgis' allergies required specialized care. When I called to schedule the appointment, I was required to give my credit card number before booking the appoinment slot. I was informed the consultation would be between $400-600. If I was a no-show, the credit card would be charged $75. 


The final charge was approximately $500. This included the oral and topical medications for his severe allergies. I paid this and drove the 2 1/2 hr each way. Needless to say, as soon I returned back to my office, I implemented a $25 no-show fee. I am now considering requesting credit cards prior to booking. Our profession is just as valuable as that of other specialists. Patients need to learn to respect us as well.


Olga Luepschen, DPM, Sebring, FL



From: Ara Kelekian, DPM   


With all do respect, Dr, Busman, he is welcome to implement any policy he finds fit for his practice. As he can read, among other responses, there are other physicians in numerous specialties who have engaged in the same practice policy. He mentions that there is no doctor-patient relationship at the time of the phone call. I wholeheartedly agree, and therefore there is no damage to that relationship. Once the patient shows up to the appointment, this discussion becomes irrelevant.


It is disrespectful to other patients and my practice when individuals take up space that can be devoted to someone who needs to come in and will come in. So while we are all entitled to our opinions, I am simply responding to a colleague who would like a viable solution to a problem that is real and relevant. And it seems that my advice echoes well among our other colleagues who have implemented something similar. 


Ara Kelekian, DPM  Montebello, CA

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