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RE: Has Laser Nail Fungus Removal Been Proven Effective? (Eric Bornstein, DMD)

From: David Zuckerman, DPM


I applaud Dr. Bornstein on both his work and observation that heat plays little, if any, role in the treatment of lasers with fungal infection. This applies to both nail and skin involvement. It is my undertanding and experience that ROS (reactive oxygen species) plays a role in this type of infection eradication. In addition, other mechanisms of action such as bio-stimulation are part of the process. We know that bio-stimulation reduces inflamation and stimulates collagen as well as fibroblastic activity. Just what makes lasers effective is based on both clinical observation and retrospective studies. 


There is a good deal of research with this laser application such as the best wavelength, peak power, highest wattage, and power density necessary for maximum benefit of results. I would like to have a discussion as to what really makes the nail look better, destruction of fungi or bio-stimulation of the nail and surrounding tissue as it relates to the treatment of wounds with diode lasers. Our diowave multiple function lasers address both fungi infection and bio-stimulation of the tissue.   


Disclosure: Dr, Zuckerman is Medical Director of Clearly Beautiful Laser Solutions


David Zuckerman, DPM, Cherry Hill, NJ,

Other messages in this thread:



From: Kenneth Meisler, DPM


If you write enough Jublia, you are going to see the1-2% adverse reactions including dermatitis, vesicles, and pain that were described in the clinical trials. They did not describe it as an allergic reaction. If you write enough Jublia, you will see these reactions and I have. Dr. Lanthier thought it looks like the sequela from an onychia. I do not agree. I have found that it always responds to treatment as if it were an allergic reaction. I instruct the patient to discontinue the medication and apply topical steroid cream. If it were an onychia, some of the patients would probably not respond to that treatment. 


Dr. Blum said, "one of the warnings when using Jublia is to avoid using on the skin." The application instructions state to apply to the nail and the "folds of the skin next to the sides of the toenail and underneath the end of the toenail," which is what I tell all patients. Interestingly, I have had patients who were on Jublia for many months before they started to develop these allergic-like symptoms, and many of them were extremely disappointed they had to stop because they were already seeing improvement. The very small amount of easily treated adverse reactions make Jublia an extremely safe medication.


Kenneth Meisler, DPM, NY, NY



From: Larry Price, DPM


I actually saw an identical case/reaction to Jublia this week on all 10 toes. Immediate cessation and application of topical steroid cleared it up in a week.


Larry Price, DPM, Westwood, NJ.



From: John Lanthier, DPM, Donald Blum, DPM, JD


There is a 1% incidence of onychia and 1% incidence of onychocryptosis from the use of efinaconazole according to the safety information packet. This looks like the sequela from an onychia.


John Lanthier, DPM, Sudbury, Ontario


One of the warnings when using Jublia is to avoid using on the skin. Perhaps the patient had a reaction to the medication getting on the skin? See the medication insert and warnings.


Donald Blum, DPM, JD, Dallas, TX



From: Elliot Udell, DPM


Dr. Rubin is starting an interesting discussion. What rudimentary tests, learned at our academic clinics, should stand the test of time and what tests ultimately fade the moment the student graduates? For example, we learned the Buerger test when I was a student back in the late '70s but the test did not have longevity as compared to other tests that we still do today to evaluate arterial circulation.  


Several years ago at a board meeting of the American Society of Podiatric Medicine, we tried to come up with a consensus on how to screen diabetics for peripheral vascular disease. Each practitioner was in some respected area of academia. Each had his or her pet set of tests that differed from the others in the room, including one who touted the Buerger test. We set out to formulate a consensus but realized that among the academicians in that room, there was and would not be a consensus. 


Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY



RE: Should we sometimes go back to the future in diagnostic testing?

From: Lawrence Rubin, DPM


Valuable amputation prevention information about accomplishing early detection of PAD was recently posted in LinkedIn by Dr. David Armstrong. While reading it, I was bitten by the nostalgia bug; I was reminded of the testing for peripheral artery disease we depended upon back in the 1960s. I was a faculty member and clinical instructor at the Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine (now Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine). A routine test for what was then called "arterial insufficiency" (not PAD) was the Buerger test. The test is performed with the patient laying supine on the examining table and raising each leg individually to 45 degrees, then observing any blanching. Next, the patient sits on the side of the examining table and lets the legs hang down for about a minute. 


Red flushing of the foot and ankle area skin helps confirm the diagnosis of arterial insufficiency. We also used to gently pinprick an area of the foot, usually on the top of the great toe, and then place a drop of dilute histamine solution on the area if the patient had no allergies. A small reddish area should appear, and the longer it took to appear, the more likelihood it was that there was arterial insufficiency. 


My guess is that few if any clinicians are presently performing either of these tests, and maybe kudos are due to those who are. Those not giving kudos would be the commercial entities whose existence depends upon the robust sale of expensive equipment needed to establish a presumptive diagnosis of PAD.


Lawrence Rubin, DPM, Las Vegas, NV



From: Bret Ribotsky, DPM


Marty - I join you in taking this first step that I hopefully everyone did 20 years ago. Today (or at least for the last decade since I was a founder of DermFoot), I’ve been recommending a dermatoscope to replace the proverbial stethoscope. I think Bill Scherer said it best, if you haven’t seen a skin cancer this week in your practice, it has seen you.


Bret Ribotsky, DPM, Fort Lauderdale, FL



From: Paul Kesselman, DPM


Kudos to Dr. Pressman for pointing something out which I have been preaching for my over 40+ years as a clinician. I first came aware of non-invasive vascular technology back in the late 1970s and early ‘80s during my undergraduate medical education at rotations at various VA hospitals in the Chicago area. In those days, the machines were big, bulky, and took up an entire room. Their costs and size relegated them mostly to large clinical or research facilities.


With computer technology, eventually the machinery got more sophisticated and totally paper free and can integrate directly into your computer and eventually into your patient's EMR. Most cost 1/3 of what digital x-rays cost, with many fitting into your briefcase. The current machinery can combine pulse volume recording and photoplethysmography, which are far more sophisticated than...


Editor's note: Dr. Kesselman's extended-length letter can be read here



From: Jeffrey Kass, DPM


I’d like to thank Dr. Pressman for the free pearl. I sincerely appreciated the pearl and was ecstatic for the first time someone was not trying to extract money from me. I have also come across patients with palpable pulses who have had stenosis or occlusions and the pearl he has shared is of utmost value. 


Jeffrey Kass, DPM, Forest Hills, NY



RE: Replace Your Neck Stethoscope with a Hand-Held Doppler to Save Limbs

From:  Martin M Pressman, DPM


Podiatry standard of care requires us all to palpate pedal pulses. This standard alone is simply not high enough to get the job of limb preservation done. The following list contains some hard won knowledge acquired over the last 47 years of practice; hard won pearls given freely with the hope that some of the 20,000 subscribers might take notice. This note was motivated by a leg-off case where the podiatrist found +2 pulses and 9 days later the patient had an AK amputation for thrombosis. The current standard of care is pulse palpation. If a Doppler were used, perhaps this could have been avoided.


1. Your cardiologist does not palpate your heart; she uses auscultation with a stethoscope to hear cardiovascular flow abnormalities.

2. We need to up our game and use...


Editor's note: Dr. Pressman's extended-length letter can be read here.



From: Donald Blum, DPM


Send the patient to a dermatologist for biopsy, please.


Reviewing this dermatology website, there are about 14 different items that this could be. Without a detailed history, perhaps using dermoscopy, and yes a nail unit biopsy could give you a more definitive diagnosis.


Donald Blum, DPM, Dallas, TX



From: Howard Bonenberger, DPM


I appreciated the comments by Jeffrey Trantalis, DPM, however to be clear, I was writing specifically about FHL. This is worth learning about. Addressing it effectively will not only help your patients, it can grow your practice because your orthotic solved a problem that someone else's did not.


Howard Bonenberger, DPM, Nashua, NH



RE: Functional Hallux Limitis 

From: Howard Dananberg, DPM


Howard Bonenberger mentioned in a post last week that one of my lectures on functional hallux limitus (FHL) inspired him to treat patients with chronic postural complaints. I appreciate his comments and am glad he was able to find these concepts valuable. I have written extensively on FHL over my career, and have come to the realization that this concept remains misunderstood. The reason why it can impact postural form lies in the following principle. Once the hallux makes ground contact during any step, IT DOES NOT MOVE AGAIN UNTIL TOE-OFF. ln any form of hallux limitus (structural or functional), what is restricted is not the hallux, but the remainder of the foot and proximal structures all the way to the neck.   


As the body adjusts for these motions, various sites are stressed repeatedly during each step cycle. And since these motions are repeated thousands of cycles per day, the stress becomes a chronic irritant. In particular, loss of MTP joint motion restricts heel lift, shortens stride length, and causes the ensuing swing phase to be altered in such a way as to make toe-off mechanically inefficient. Since the iliopsoas is the primary hip flexor at toe-off, and originates directly from the lumbar spine, it becomes the site of pain. The references for this are below.   


Dananberg, Howard J.  “Gait Style as an Etiology to Chronic Postural Pain, Part I.  Functional Hallux Limitus” in Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association;  August 1993.


Dananberg, Howard J.  “Gait Style as an Etiology to Chronic Postural Pain, Part II.  The Postural Compensatory Process” in Journal of the American Podiatric Medical  Association;  November 1993.


Dananberg, HJ, Guiliano, M, “Chronic Lower Back Pain And It Response to Custom Foot Orthoses”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 89:3 March, 1999  pp109-117.


Howard Dananberg, DPM



RE: Functional Hallux Limitis 

From: Jeffrey Trantalis, DPM 


Howard Bonenberger, DPM hinted about a very important and prevalent condition that is seen in many, if not all, podiatry offices. This is hallux limitus. In the early 1980s, I had a professional NFL receiver come to me with hallux limitus. It was obvious that conservative treatment was the only option. At that time, orthotics with a hallux extension was the recommended treatment. So I tried this very treatment, knowing it would probably fail. Well it did fail. 


At that time, I dispensed an orthotic where I increased the ability to plantarflex the first metatarsal by supporting the 1st metatarsal-cuneiform joint. This allowed for a more normal function of the first MPJ. This was very successful treatment that allowed the receiver to make his route maneuvers.  


Jeffrey Trantalis, DPM, Delray Beach, FL



From: Michael A. Uro, DPM


While I am very happy that Dr. Marino responded well to his carpal tunnel surgery, I wanted to point out that MLS laser treatments can help to minimize and in some cases totally alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. 


I  have an MLS laser in my office. I was experiencing bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. I treated myself using the laser, and after 3 to 4 treatments my symptoms subsided. I realize that not everyone has an MLS laser; however, if you can perhaps find a chiropractor or other practitioner who has one, I would recommend this treatment. Obviously, as podiatrists, we cannot treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Again I treated myself. The laser works on numerous nerve conditions on feet, such as tarsal tunnel syndrome and neuromas.


Michael A. Uro, DPM, Sacramento, CA



From: Vince Marino, DPM


I recently (2 weeks ago) had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery done at one time. It took about 45 minutes under MAC. No post-op splints. I had minimal discomfort and was back in the office seeing patients (no palliative care) at 10 days post-op (included the weekend). I will be back doing surgery tomorrow at 17 days post-op.


My nerve studies were very abnormal and my fingertips constantly numb. Now I have no issues. I highly suggest you see a trained hand surgeon and talk about fixing the problem before it gets worse.


Vince Marino, DPM, Novato, CA



From: Robert Kornfeld, DPM


I have spent more than 30 years treating chronic foot and ankle pain and have had many cases of “recalcitrant” PT tendinitis. Once you come out of the “next best treatment” mentality and focus on the patient, you will find answers. Functional medicine teaches you to examine the patient's total health landscape to uncover immune burdens and any epigenetic and genetic issues (SNPs) which will create inefficiency in repair pathways. These underlying mechanisms are managed prior to any treatment. Once you have up-leveled immune function, you can heal these chronic cases via regenerative medicine injection therapies. This is how every doctor should be practicing. I have loved my practice all these years.


Robert Kornfeld, DPM, NY, NY



From: Jeff Root


Regarding the query about the treatment of recalcitrant "posterior tibial tendonitis", or what many would call posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), I would like to share a few of my thoughts. The PM News subscriber stated that the patient wears "HOKA shoes and custom orthotics". The term "custom orthotics" simply implies that the devices were not prefabricated. In some cases, the lines between custom and prefabricated shoe inserts have been intentionally and unintentionally blurred. In addition, the term "custom orthotics" tells us little to nothing about the nature (i.e. design and properties) of the orthoses because there are hundreds if not thousands of types of custom orthotics and orthotic designs.


For example, what was the position of the joints of the foot, including the STJ, MTJ and 1st ray when the foot was casted or scanned? What were the specifications of the orthotic prescription? What lab techniques were used in creating...


Editor's note: Jeff Root's extended-length letter can be read here.



From: David T Weiss, DPM


The most powerful way to manage DPN, (besides glycemic control,) is refraining from sugar (and carbohydrates) completely - especially after dinner. Sugar is extremely inflammatory. I have recommended liposomal glutathione (powerful antioxidant) as a supplement, along with L-methyl folate vitamins. 


David T Weiss, DPM, Richmond, VA



From: Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM


Not only are there too many schools, but the curriculum has not kept up to the standards for today's podiatric physicians and surgeons to become successful in practice. Colleges are not teaching the courses necessary for podiatrists to sit for the USMLE board exams, keeping the profession under the hallux of others. I suspect the first podiatric medicine college offering a better curriculum will get far more applicants. Let the race begin. 


Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM, Schaumburg, IL



From: Harold Koehler, DPM


I suggest running blood work to identify any other known causes of neuropathy. I had one patient recently that had neuropathy without any known predisposing conditions. When I ran a lab panel for potential systemic etiologies, he tested positive for high levels of mercury. Neither his primary doctor or the physiatrist could identify the source. The physiatrist suggested and referred him for chelation therapy, but the patient declined due to cost. I have no experience with a patient undergoing this treatment so I wonder if it would be effective. I did ask him about tuna consumption and it turns out he does eat an excessive amount; I think it was daily but I don't recall. Obviously he was told to stop.


Harold Koehler, DPM, Auburn Hills, MI



From: Khurram Khan, DPM


Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) and large fiber neuropathy (LFN) represent two distinct categories of peripheral neuropathy, differentiated by the size of the nerve fibers they affect and the resultant symptoms and diagnostic approaches. SFN targets small myelinated Aδ fibers and unmyelinated C fibers, leading to symptoms like burning, tingling, and is diagnosed through hstory/clinical evaluation. LFN affects large myelinated fibers responsible for proprioception and vibration sensation, and with diagnosis typically achieved via physical exam and confirmed with nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG). The patient mentioned seems to have SFN. The causes of small fiber neuropathy (SFN) include:


Diabetes, autoimmune diseases (e.g., Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease), infections (e.g., Lyme disease, HIV, hepatitis C), vitamin deficiencies (particularly vitamins B12, B6, and E), alcoholism, toxic exposures (e.g., chemotherapy drugs, heavy metals, industrial chemicals), hereditary disorders (e.g., hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies, Fabry disease), idiopathic (no identifiable cause), and finally metabolic disorders (e.g., thyroid dysfunction, amyloidosis)


Misra UK, Kalita J, Nair PP. Diagnostic approach to peripheral neuropathy. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2008 Apr;11(2):89-97. 


Khurram Khan, DPM, Philadelphia, PA



From: Lawrence Rubin, DPM, Bruce I Kaczander, DPM


The sensory dysfunction referred to by Dr. Teitelbaum is called "paresthesia." I have had some patients even complain of a feeling of "bugs running up and down my feet and legs" and similar sensations. Here is more information:  Paresthesia: When to pin down a cause.


Lawrence Rubin, DPM, Las Vegas, NV


In my 42 years of practice, I saw patients daily whose neuropathic symptoms were spinal in origin (stenosis, L 4-5, S-1 disc)… it can oftentimes present initially as same, without the patient having current spinal symptoms. They also may have a history of same years ago.


Bruce I Kaczander, DPM, Southfield, MI



From: Richard D Odom, DPM


I suspect the patient is a smoker. If so, his smoking is likely the etiology or cause of his lesions. The reason is because smoking/anxiety can cause these in areas of the body where there are an abundance of sweat glands, plantar foot & palms of hand. This increased moisture leads to some of the glands being over productive and can cause blockage of the surface of sweat gland. Farther production moisture is unable to escape from the gland, leading to increased hyperkeratotic build-up and pain from weight-bearing.


Stopping the smoking will reduce the hyperhydrosis, thus allowing the majority of the punctate lesions to most likely resolve over a 2-3 months period of time. The main point is to control the hyperhydrosis to minimize the re-occurrence of these painful lesions. 


Richard D Odom, DPM (Retired), Decatur, GA



From: Gary S Smith, DPM, Adrienne Sabin, DPM


I have had people improve greatly with Spenco insoles and spraying their feet daily with underarm antiperspirant spray.


Gary S Smith, DPM, Bradford, PA 


Not knowing any other history of the patient, I suggest looking into Cowden’s syndrome as part of the differential diagnoses.


Adrienne Sabin, DPM, San Jose, CA



From: Andrew Levy, DPM


My advice; unless your state specifically allows you to treat hands, refer your patient to a hand surgeon or dermatologist.


Andrew Levy, DPM (Retired), Jupiter, FL

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