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EMR Compatibility with Dragon Voice Recognition (John Scheffel, DPM)

From: Ken Schenley

Dragon Voice Recognition (and other dictation solutions) can be an extremely valuable tool to help with your documentation. Whether it is your only method of dictation, or used as a supplement to another charting or dictation solution, it provides you with a great way to express yourself in your notes.

As said before, you should contact your current, or future, EMR/Charting Vendor, and ask about implementation and ease-of-use. For example, the QNotes Office Solution from Quick Notes is a truly simple EMR that works extremely well with voice recognition, whether or not you use the portable Quick Notes iPad/Touchscreen. Simply find a patient, add a new note, and dictate! It’s as easy as that!


Disclosure: I am Executive Vice President at Quick Notes.

Ken Schenley, Cooper City, FL,

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RE: EHR Hi Tech Audit (Ken Schenley)

From: Steven J. Kaniadakis, DPM

I tend to agree with the post from Ken Schenley.  First and foremost be pro-active. Welcome an audit. My background, education, and experience as a proud and practicing DPM dictates that each and every podiatrist is taken as a whole in the hearts and minds of the public. "We're all in the same boat." Podiatrists need to become connected to those who are users of new technology. Yet, enable yourself as a practicing podiatrist with tools to maintain some feeling of choice and independence.

Select tools that might enable yourself to maintain the movement yet not lose all sense of your right to continue to utilize your own judgment about your own practice, business, and medically-related practices. Otherwise, I know from experience (good and bad ones), you doctor, might be "adrift and out to sea without a rudder."

Disclosure: I am owner of the House DR electronic super-bill .

Steven J. Kaniadakis, DPM, St. Petersburg, FL,



RE: Dragon Problem (Craig Breslauer, DPM)

From: Mark K. Johnson, DPM

It sounds like your files may still be corrupted OR your microphone has a defect which is introducing problems into the speech recognition. Try installing your Dragon Medical 9.5 disc in REPAIR mode. Check your microphone. Create a new user file with Best Match III as a choice if

you can. Retrain your common custom words or phrases by selecting "custom" in vocabulary editor. Form another USER with a different microphone. Any viruses or spyware on your computer? 

Consider upgrading to Dragon Medical 10 if all else fails --  we currently use 11 (Dragon Medical Practice Edition) and are pleased.  Other resources for your problem would be Lunis at or Dr. Larry Kosova in Chicago.  

Mark K. Johnson, DPM, West Plains, MO,



RE: Dragon Problem (Craig Breslauer, DPM)

From: Brad Makimaa, DPM

We have 8 offices and 6 doctors, and countless computers, all with EMR and Dragon. We have had numerous problems with Dragon (we thought  they were Dragon's fault). The bottom line is that the computer's operating system has to be happy with your EMR and both have to be happy with Dragon.

We usually wait to upgrade to the latest Windows as most everything is not compatible with that as it first comes out. Check with your EMR vendor and with Dragon for compatibility issues and recommendations. This fixed nearly all issues. Some minor tweaks in settings are easily addressed with Dragon's help. We currently have no issues with the new Dragon in all computers, and it is faster than before.

Brad Makimaa, DPM, Key West, FL,



RE: EMR Compatibility with Dragon Voice Recognition (Ken Schenley)

From: Ken Katz

Dragon has always worked well with SammyEHR and other Sammy Systems Products. The secrets to successful use have to do with the speed and memory in the computer used for dictation. You would not dare to take away Dragon from Sammy users that use it, as they absolutely love the freedom it provides. That said, it should be only a part of the documentation process. If you think that Dragon is fast, it’s nothing compared to the coupling of it with our smart templates.

Ken Katz, President, ICS Software, Ltd.,



RE: EMR Compatibility with Dragon Voice Recognition (John Scheffel, DPM)

From: Pete Harvey, DPM

I use Dragon Medical 10. There is also a Dragon Medical 11. It is important to also use the Nuance PowerMic. These are all divisions of the original Dictaphone company. You can say “Open Dictation Box” almost anywhere in any program. Dictate to the box, then hit the transfer button or say “transfer”. However, the problem can probably be resolved with settings. Go to TOOLS>OPTIONS>and review all tabs. If this gets confusing or doesn’t work, call the people who sold you the program, or better yet, call your EMR directly, and they should be able to resolve the problem.


Pete Harvey, DPM, Wichita Falls, TX,



RE: EMR Compatibility with Dragon Voice Recognition (John Scheffel, DPM)

From: Michael Brody, DPM

Based upon your post of having trouble with Dragon and your EMR, I strongly recommend contacting your EMR vendor. Most EMR products have been built with methods that provide better tools for using voice dictation than you are currently using. For example, in SamNotes, the Sammy EMR product, the workflow to create a note using voice dictation is just three easy steps. First, you select the new note feature, then you select the Blank note feature which opens up a box that has the patient's name and the date of service, and finally you activate your voice dictation software so that you can start dictating directly into SamNotes.

When you call your current vendor, please tell them what you want to do and have them demonstrate an easier workflow to allow you to easily dictate your note. If your current software does not have a good workflow and you wish to continue to use voice dictation, I recommend that you start shopping for a new EMR product.

Disclosure: I am the Chief Compliance Officer for Sammy Software.

Michael Brody, DPM, Commack, NY,



RE: Recommendations for EMR/EHR (Elliot Udell, DPM)

From: Joshua Kaye, DPM

The main reason for the popularity of Practice Fusion is the cost. Compared to many other programs that can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars, it does seem to be a bargain. The two main problems with Practice Fusion software are that it is a cloud-based program and it cannot create a backup in one’s office.

Being cloud-based creates a problem in terms of speed and Internet dependency; however, the inability to create a local backup in one’s office in a complete deal breaker. Like auto insurance, you are very happy to have it when you need it. And also like auto insurance, would you risk your personal and professional economic stability by...

Editor's Note: Dr. Kaye's extended-length letter can be read here.


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