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04/04/2016    Dieter Fellner, DPM

RE: Where are Graduating Podiatry Residents Getting Jobs?(Name Withheld)

I would like to respond to the observations by
Name Withheld. Firstly, perhaps if the name was
not withheld, there might be some interest in
the advertised job! Secondly, I have been
scouring job opportunities for some months. It
is highly likely I would have seen and applied
for such a vacancy. I do not recall receiving a
response. Further, I would encourage greater
transparency when a job is advertised. Please,
let the job seeker know, from the ad what the
job specifications are, together with a
proposed salary.

I have now visited a very generous handful of
offices. I will spend time answering job ads,
dutifully sending out a resume/CV and cover
letter. It is truly shocking how often there is
not even the courtesy of a simple
acknowledgement for the effort. Other times,
after taking time out to travel, visit and talk
for two hours, right at the end, there is the
bombshell. Usually along the lines of "of
course we are not the kind of office that
provides a salary." Really? So, it's an
underutilized office facility, with office
space but no patients. And, you can, maybe,
expect 30% of the takings, after overheads (of

Now, I can fully appreciate the very real
pressures of the 'business' of podiatry. But,
realistically, how can an applicant, fresh out
of residency, loaded with student loan debt,
survive? I am not a math genius but 30% of
nothing is: 0

Lastly, I find it hard to understand how the
contemporary resident, after 4 years of school
and a mandated three-year residency (often
PMSR/RRA) can be under-qualified.

So, 'Name Withheld', (or anyone else) I welcome
you to approach me with a mutually acceptable
offer. We are capable, willing and hard
working. And highly qualified!

Dieter Fellner, DPM, Bronx, NY

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