12/24/2015 Todd Lewis, DPM
Gouty Tophus with Normal Uric Acid (Barry Mullen, DPM)
Dr. Mullen, I apologize if my message came across as disrespectful to you and our peers. That wasn’t my intention. I strongly concur with your response to this disease, and I do feel serum uric acid levels do have merit, but aren't diagnostic. I was simply trying to state some facts, that from my experience, are misunderstood and/or under- appreciated when it comes to gout and it’s not only our profession, but all facets of medicine. The definitive diagnosis of gout is confirmed by the presents of needle-shaped monosodium crystals with negative birefringence under polarized microscopy and that a 24-hour urine uric acid/creatinine clearance analysis helps us to determine renal function and to better generate a long term treatment plan with medication. For example, in such patients, if the uric acid excretion is less than 600-700mg/24-hours, then Probenecid is commonly used; and if the uric acid excretion is greater than 600-700mg/24-hours, then Allopurinol is commonly used. These values may vary depending on the hospital or laboratory used. These medications are traditionally utilized in clinical practices. Remember, if collecting 24-hour urine for uric acid, don't forget to also order 24-hour creatinine so creatinine clearance can be calculated.
In addition, musculoskeletal ultrasound and dual energy CT scan are 2 other ways to diagnosis gout. Musculoskeletal ultrasound can detect urate crystals in a joint or in a tophus, "tophus Latin meaning "stone", plural tophi" is a deposit of uric acid crystals, in the form of monosodium urate crystals, in people with longstanding hyperuricemia”, this technique is more widely used abroad than in the United States.
Dual energy CT scan is a type of imaging that can detect the presence of urate crystals in a joint, even when it’s not acutely inflamed. This test isn’t used routinely in clinical practice due to the expense and is not widely available.
Todd Lewis, DPM, Chicago, IL
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