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07/15/2015    Hal Ornstein, DPM

Avoid the Sugar Crush

Two years ago, I developed chronic pain in my
shoulders and both upper extremities, and was
feeling cold in the midst of summer in New
Jersey while also feeling what one would called
depressed with difficulty sleeping. I searched
for answers, visiting multiple top-rated
medical specialists over several months with no
answers and no treatments other than medication
to control the neuritis and sleeping issues.
For months, I went for physical therapy, yoga,
massage, and acupuncture, and with all this, I
had little relief and started losing hope.

A naturopath was recommended to me. After
taking a short history and reviewing years of
blood work, he hit the nail on the head. I had
a systemic candida infection with my symptoms
right on the mark with all I have read about
this disease. This is typically caused from
years of too many carbohydrates and sugar. My
diet for too many years was full of carbs
(which we know coverts to sugar). It was low on
protein, fat and ,vegetables and contained too
many sweets.

Candida thrives in this sweet environment and
best treatment is to starve it going on a zero
(or close to) sugar diet for three months and
naturopathic supplements to get all in balance.
This was not easy by any means, but since this
change of diet, I no longer want or need (sugar
is an addiction) sugar and carbohydrates. At
fifty six years old, I feel better than ever!
Coincidentally, a book was recently released
called Sugar Crush: How to Reduce Inflammation,
Reverse Nerve Damage, and Reclaim Good Health
by Richard Jacoby, DPM and Raquel Baldelomar
about the sugar epidemic in the world and the
potential impact to our future if not

It is written in a practical way and would help
every podiatrists on a personal and
professional level to help counsel patients on
reducing symptoms and progression of peripheral
neuropathy and prevent type II diabetes.

Hal Ornstein, DPM, Howell, NJ

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