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Query: Surgery to Prevent Ulcers in Diabetic


My patient is a 68-year-old female with marked foot deformities, diabetic neuropathy, and palpable pedal pulses. She has a history of ulcerations sub right 2nd metatarsal head and left 3rd metatarsal head, and has callus plantar medial first metatarsal head left foot. She was treated at a wound care center for several months last year, with total contact casting. The ulcerations healed and she was referred to me last September. Her A-1 C is consistently in the 8's. She wears custom Plastazote inserts in custom diabetic sandals.


AP Left, Lateral Left, and AP Right X-rays


Although the custom devices fit her well, if I do not see her every week or two, she develops superficial ulcerations at the sides of the prominent second metatarsal head right foot and third metatarsal head left foot. I had to amputate the left fourth toe last month due to cellulitis, which resulted from a non-healing distal tip ulcer. My question is: if I were to do definitive surgical treatment, should I do a pan metatarsal head resection or focus on the second MP joint right and third MP joint left? Due to her difficulty in getting her diabetes under control, I am leaning towards the simpler procedure to lessen the chance of post-op complications. 

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Query: Jublia Reaction


A patient was prescribed Jublia by his PCP. A few weeks later, he presented at his PCP with this reaction due to the daily application of Jublia as directed.


Jublia Reaction


The PCP said, "see your podiatrist for an opinion." Has anyone seen this reaction to Jublia?



Query: Lichen Planus


A patient presented with a dermatological disorder affecting multiple areas of his body including his face. His dermatologist did a biopsy and diagnosed it as lichen planus. Below is a photo of it. 


Lichen planus


He said that he absolutely has no pruritis. The cases I have seen throughout my career always presented with severe itching and that is what brought the patient into my office. Could the dermatologists be missing something?



Query: Transient Discoloration of Fingernails  


A 46-year-old type two diabetic, BMI of 31, has been on testosterone therapy for a few years and has recently been taken off therapy. He has been having some generalized neuropathy complaints in his legs, however he has discoloration on the sides of his fingernails but nothing on his toes. 


Transient Discoloration of Fingernails


He states that this will appear for a few months and then go away and come back. It is not painful. He has tested positive for ANA with a pattern consistent with lupus a few times. His rheumatologist did not think it was worth treating. Any input or thoughts if you recognize what’s going on in his fingers that might be contributing?



Query: Balance Braces


Almost every DME company has their own version of a  "balance brace".  I was wondering if anyone can answer a few questions for me. The brace is often touted at seminars as part of a fall prevention protocol. Question 1) Is there any proof at all in the medical literature that wearing of this brace prevents falls? (I am not asking if it decreases postural sway). 


My second question is from a biomechanical standpoint, the brace cuts down on sagittal plane motion of the ankle as there is a stationary plate under the device - is this truly beneficial over allowing sagittal plane motion? In other words, is there any proof that this configuration of the brace is more beneficial for fall prevention than a typical split upright AFO? 


Jeffrey Kass, DPM, Forest Hills, NY 



Query: Acute Peroneal Longus Tear/Surgical Case 


A 63 year old well-controlled DM type 2 active male was playing golf and felt a "pop" in his lateral right ankle after finishing his swing. There was no inversion sprain and the patient did not fall before or after the injury. The pain was initially +8/10. He was unable to bear weight. He went to an ED. X-rays were negative. A modified Jones dressing was applied; crutches  rest, elevation, and ice relieved symptoms to a 90% improvement. An MRI was ordered by the ED that was done 5 days after the injury revealed a completely torn peroneal longus tendon retracted to the lateral calcaneus. Old AFTL and CFL tears were noted as well. The brevis was normal.


Physical exam revealed intact sensation and palpable pedal pulses. There was edema laterally with minimal to no ecchymosis, +4/5 eversion without pain. The patient states tha he has almost no pain and no trouble walking with normal ADLs. He wants to know if the operative repair can be delayed until the fall. I discussed muscle atrophy of the PL with delaying operative repair. I'd like to know the opinion of my colleagues.  I'd appreciate any input.



Query: Men’s Shoe Recommendations Post-Achilles Tendon Rupture


What are the best men’s shoe recommendations post-Achilles tendon rupture and repair?


David Cohen, DPM, Pikesville, MD



Query: Podiatrist with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


I have recently been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. A recent post mentioned that radial pulse therapy has been used to successfully treat trigger finger. Has anyone had experience in using this for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome?


Name Withheld 



Query: Recalcitrant Case of Posterior Tibial Tendonitis


I’m wondering if anyone has treated a recalcitrant case of posterior tibial tendonitis (found on MRI) of the slip to the medial cuneiform. It is tender just under the medial cuneiform. The patient wears HOKA shoes and custom orthotics, and was in a boot and using a knee scooter non-weight-bearing for 4 weeks. The main posterior tibial tendon is non-tender and the patient can do bilateral; heel raises without pain, but single leg heel raises hurt after a certain number of lifts. The patient is also seeing a physical therapist.


PM News Subscriber



Query: Cocktails for DPN


I’m interested to read about the individual cocktails that DPMs use for diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).


Rich Willner, DPM, Kenner, LA



Query: Phenytoin 10% Topical Gel for Neuropathic Pain?


Has anyone ever used or prescribed phenytoin 10% topical gel for neuropathic pain?


Jeffrey Klirsfeld, DPM, Levittown, NY 



Query: Peripheral Neuropathy Without Vibratory Deficits


I have had several patients recently who complain about tingling and burning of their feet and they are not  diabetic, nor have a hereditary form of neuropathy, nor are they alcoholic. They don't complain of lancinating pain and they can get to sleep without much difficulty. They feel the tuning fork in all areas of their feet and their reflexes are brisk.  


I am asking for some interpretation of these findings. Am I missing something, or is this a pre-neuropathy state and vibratory sense will soon degrade?


Robert D Teitelbaum, DPM, Naples, FL



Query: Punctate Keratotic Lesions


A 65 year old male has suffered from multiple punctate keratotic growths in the arches of both feet for 20 years. He denies any family history of this or arsenic exposure. He has no medical conditions currently and doesn't take any medication. Most of the lesions are nucleated and debridement provides some temporary pain relief.  


Punctate Keratotic Lesions


He had cryotherapy in the past which did not resolve them and his dermatologist says they are "caused by his shoes".  Any thoughts on diagnosis/treatment would be appreciated.



Query: Longitudinal Lines in Fingernails


A patient happened to show me her hand and asked me to comment on her fingernails. I was wondering if any of my esteemed colleagues can chime in with any thoughts.


Longitudinal Lines in Fingernails


The patient is female, 50 with no medical issues, NKDA. She does wear nail polish, and is a non-smoker.



Query: Chronic Leg/Foot Pain


A 49 year old white male presented with pain from his knees down, with a duration 20 years. He reports that it hurts worse when walking but there's also pain at rest, which keeps him up. The pain is described as aching with no numbness, tingling, or other neurologic complaints. He had shots done in his foot for an unknown diagnosis 20 years ago and they hurt so bad he did not seek treatment until this year. PMH is non-contributory, he is not on any meds. His PCP sent him to a neurologist. They did an MRI of the lumbar spine, an arterial Doppler, and lab work for CBC,CPK, magnesium SH, and vitamin B 12. All testing was normal. They tried an NCV-EMG but he could not tolerate the testing.


Vascular and derm. exams are unremarkable. A neuro exam revealed intact light touch and vibratory sense and DTRs and muscle strength 5/5. A gait exam revealed mild pes planus but an antalgic gait. He walks like an old man with arthritis. Pain is poorly localized throughout feet and legs. I ordered x-rays of the feet, but am unsure what the diagnosis is and would appreciate any insights. I leaned toward small fiber neuropathy as a diagnosis, but put him on gabapentin, and somehow I feel something is being missed.



Query: Platelet-Rich Plasma


Has anyone had experience with platelet-rich plasma injections being used to heal a plantar fascia tear?


Deardre Nadel, DPM, Bronx, NY



Query: Skyrizi for the Treatment of Pedal Psoriasis


Does anyone use Skyrizi for the treatment of pedal psoriasis? All day long on television, they are advertising Skyrizi and at least one other drug for the treatment of plaque psoriasis. These pharmaceuticals are administered via infusion. Has anyone used them to treat psoriasis affecting the feet? Some of my patients who have psoriatic plaques have gone to dermatologists who have used these drugs and have done extremely well. I am wondering if we should be using them if the plaques are on the patient's feet. 


Elliot Udell, DPM, Hicksville, NY 



Query: Veno Lymphatic Malformation


A 10 year old  figure skater has been experiencing general pain in her arch and ankle. X-rays were unremarkable with the exception of possible Sever's disease. An MRI was then done and an area was found on the bottom of her foot by her heel. The report came back as a veno lymphatic malformation around 4 cms underneath her calcaneous.


She made an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist but was hoping I could give her some answers as to treatment and prognosis. After doing some reading, the treatment of choice seems to be injecting a sclerosing agent, doxycycline to help shrink it. If anyone has treated this type of condition, I would appreciate any input as to the treatment and prognosis.



Query: Pediatric Flatfoot


I see kids but certainly don’t specialize in it. A 7 year old came in with a progressively worsening flat foot. He has a pronounced genu valgum gait and his medial arch, which is flexible, drops all the way to the ground. I suspect an internal hip or knee issue may be contributory. I’m sending him to a pediatric orthopedist for an evaluation further up the kinetic chain. His Achilles does not appear tight as he has plenty of dorsiflexion. 


Pediatric Flatfoot in a 7 Year Old


I’ve attached an x-ray of his foot and ankle. There is no evidence of medial malleolus ossification and his talus looks extremely malpositioned. His parents and I had a general discussion on shoes and inserts to prevent worsening of the deformity. I was hoping to get thoughts and suggestions from my colleagues who are more experienced with pediatrics.



Query: Source for Peer-Reviewed Prolotherapy References


Could someone please supply those of us who were not trained in the use of prolotherapy with some peer-reviewed references?


Tip Sullivan, DPM, Jackson, MS



Query: Therapeutic Injections of Dextrose 


I have been reading numerous articles on therapeutic injections of dextrose therapy, peri-neural injection therapy, and hydrodissection. Most doctors are injecting dextrose anywhere from 12.5 to 25 percent.

1) Does anyone have a source where this dextrose solution can be purchased?

2) If you are doing such injections - would you be kind enough to share your feedback with any pearls or thoughts on the topic? 


Jeffrey Kass, DPM, Forest Hills, NY



Query: Recommendation for Nail Laser Therapies for Onychomycosis


I practice in the suburbs of Atlanta. There is a demand here for treatment beyond oral medications. I am looking for advice on nail laser therapies to treat onychomycosis. Any information you can provide is appreciated! Device used, cost, number of treatments, and your own personal experience will be appreciated.


Stephanie Michael, DPM, Cobb County, GA 



Query: Recommendation for Anti-Anxiety Medication for Surgical Patients


I have been using 1.5 mg sublingual Ativan pre-surgically for patients undergoing bone procedures. I have noticed many patients are still very anxious. Does anyone use an anti-anxiety medication that has consistently positive results in reducing patient anxiety?


Hartley Miltchin, DPM, Toronto, Canada



Query: Non-Healing Anterior Ankle Ulcer


I have a patient I would like some assistance with. She had angioplasty 3 months ago and  the ulcer on the anterior of the ankle has closed by 75%.


Non-Healing Anterior Ankle Ulcer


For the last month, I have done laser therapy and local wound care but cannot seem to close her present wound. She refuses to wear a cast, etc. and does not want surgical intervention. Any input would be appreciated.



Query: Unidentified Lesion on Dorsum of Foot


An 88 year old male was seen a week ago with a painful hard raised red nodule on the top of his foot. There was no break in the skin or indication of a foreign body. It looked like possible irritation from the worn out slip-on shoes that were very tight due to his pedal edema or irritated blood vessel. Doppler revealed normal pedal arterial sounds. He is not diabetic, but on BP, cholesterol meds, and ASA 81mg.


Unidentified Lesion on Dorsum of Foot


A foam aperture pad was applied over the area and he was fit with a trauma shoe to reduce pressure. He returned today (1 week later) with the area looking like this. There was a large amount of mushy material and this picture is after debridement (without anesthetic). I took a culture, placed him on Bactrim DS for 10 days, and dispensed Telfa pads for qd application. Any ideas on what this might be?



Query: Type of Padding for Diabetic Toe Ulcers?

I have a 74 year old male diabetic patient with recurring toe ulcers at the tip of the left 3rd hammertoe and medially on the left 4th toe. I use a toe crest made of cotton roll to lift the 3rd toe. This helps, but it bunches within few days. The patient needs pad(s) that lift the 3rd toe and separate it from the 4th toe. The patient perspires, but can’t use antiperspirant due to dry skin, and uses powder instead, which usually alleviates the interspace maceration. Any suggestions?


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