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IL Podiatrist to Launch Podiatric Drones


In this age of formulaic and high-tech medicine, a new idea has evolved. Dr. Lawrence Kosova explains to anchor Bias Cumming of WICU radio about his new enterprise, Podiadrone, a new way of delivering healthcare. “We were inspired by the advances in telemedicine and the surmounting difficulties of managing a physical practice to deliver a new type of footcare. ‘Let it go, let it go,’ is our motto as our fleet of Dr. Drones lifts above traffic jams on their way to the foot-suffering public. Drones are being used in the military; Amazon is planning to use them as well. So, we envisioned the concept of Not Being There (NBT).”


Dr. Lawrence Kosova and the Podiadrone


Behind the technology, Drone Air Foot Technology (DAFT), sits the IT-savvy Kosova. “Viewing high definition cameras in our offices, we can treat multiple conditions from afar with our C-3POD robot drone. We can call in our assistant drone, R2X2. Imagine drones flying high above delivering a pair of customized orthotics? Patients love it because they don’t have to sit in waiting rooms or deal with staff. Each visit is filmed, so consent is no longer an issue. Drones are programmed to speak many languages and can “sign” for deaf patients. Insurance companies will pay for adjunct personnel to treat patients as long as it is under the supervising eye of a licensed practitioner. Kosova adds, “Such is medicine today. We envision a new fleet of tech-savvy young podiatric practitioners giving up the high rents and travails of practice by using our Podiadrones.”  


Source: April Fools News [4/1/15]

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