01/05/2015 Gregory T. Amarantos, DPM
We Are Physicians, Not Pedicurists! (Robert Kornfeld, DPM)
Both Drs. Kornfeld and Kanakiadis present valid perspectives regarding the FRAUD that is being committed by many of our colleagues and nurse practitioners. I am glad I never chose to play the "game". If it is a covered service, I bill it, if it is not a covered service, the patient is responsible. Remember, a non-covered service is not subject to limiting charges by Medicare or other insurers. For the past 31 years, as long as I have been practicing, the same issues have presented themselves with no apparent solution.
Those who choose to practice in the murky waters of the CPT code book can continue to do so. In the future we will be subject to continued reduced reimbursement and you will soon find you are working for peanuts and have prostituted yourselves. I for one, tell the patient it is not a covered service and I get paid the fee I ask. This can include non-covered Medicare services, PRP injections, shockwave therapy or even trimming calluses on patients with private insurance.
I have a radical idea. If the services provided are covered, there should be nothing to hide. Therefore, mandate all routine foot care or "at risk foot-care" (the new politically popular phrase to describe trimming calluses and nails on otherwise healthy patients) to be photographed and the photo should be signed by the provider and the patient. Likewise, the patients with pvd would need documentation with an arterial Doppler. Just think of how quickly the fraud would stop. With the money Medicare saves, the fee schedules for the covered services could be increased to compensate the physician for the added hassles of documentation.
There are always those who try to scam the system. A zebra cannot change its' spots. We know who they are. If they have no shame, there is nothing anybody can do to change their modus operandi. In the meantime, this discussion will probably continue for the next 31 years or until Medicare radically changes the policy and punishes those who follow the rules because of the few who perpetuate the fraud.
Gregory T. Amarantos, DPM, Chicago, IL
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