05/13/2014 Lawrence Sturm, DPM
Phenol Vs. NaOH (Dan Methuselah, DPM)
I have switched to using NaOH a few years ago. I find there is a little more discomfort the night after the procedure for the patient but they are mostly resolved in 2 weeks. I have not had any recurrences yet. The NaOH is applied for 60 seconds once only and then neutralized with acetic acid. Here is an abstract comparing the two agents:
Dermatol Surg. 2007 Jun;33(6):680-5. Comparison of phenol and sodium hydroxide chemical matricectomies for the treatment of ingrowing toenails. Bostanci S, Kocyigit P, Gürgey E. Department of Dermatology, Ankara University, Medical School, Ankara, Turkey.
Abstract: Chemical matricectomy is performed mainly by two agents: phenol and sodium hydroxide. Both agents have excellent cure rates, but there are no data about the comparison of postoperative healing periods. This study was designed to compare the postoperative morbidity rates of sodium hydroxide and phenol matricectomies.
Forty-six patients with 154 ingrowing nail sides were treated with either sodium hydroxide or phenol matricectomy. In the postoperative period, the patients were evaluated for the duration and severity of pain, drainage, and peripheral tissue destruction; complete healing periods; and overall success rates.
The incidence of pain was higher in the sodium hydroxide group on the first visit, on the second day, but all patients became pain-free after that. The incidence and duration of drainage and peripheral tissue destruction was significantly higher in the phenol group. The mean period for complete recovery was 10.8 days in the sodium hydroxide group, whereas it was 18.02 days in the phenol group. The overall success rates in the sodium hydroxide and phenol groups were found to be 95.1 and 95.8%, respectively.
Both sodium hydroxide and phenol are effective agents giving high success rates, but sodium hydroxide causes less post-operative morbidity and provides faster recovery.
PMID: 17550444 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Lawrence Sturm, DPM, Hallandale Beach, FLlsturmdpm@gmail.com
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