05/06/2014 Cedric Cooper, DPM
Government and the Healthcare System (Tip Sullivan, DPM)
This is not a political issue. If we continue to try to place the issue of healthcare delivery in a political basket we as health care providers will continue to be controlled by the big money handlers such as the insurance industry. Placing political blame will continue to allow us to blindly fall into the traps set up by both political parties. Yes, in Tennessee many small hospitals are closing or becoming urgent care centers so that they will not be forced to provide healthcare to uninsured patients and they are closing because of the loss of federal Medicaid, Medicare, and uninsured money. However, doesn’t this force those same patients to come to your office for that same care. This will be a boom for the small individual practitioner.
Why? Our overhead is small and we do or don’t have to continue to fall into the trap of borrowing to purchase these ridiculous " new technologies" that does nothing for our ability to provide healthcare. If you continue to borrow to support these ridiculously habits of employing a largely staffed inefficient office and if you continue to borrow to buy these overpriced "new technologies" that do not differ from what they were in the past and if you continue to bolster a large ego that says that I don’t have to be hands on with my patients just pay somebody then you will perish.
However, if you become efficient, lean, and drop your ego and work hard for a change then you will flourish as a group and as an individual practitioner. The days of waste are over pay your taxes, treat your patients, and drop the ego and everything will be fine. An older podiatrist (Dr. Lawrence Burns) told me a long time ago. "Just try your best to do what is right and everything will work out all else is just none sense." As a podiatrist I have three offices. I or my children provide the excellent appearing lawn care at all of these offices. I am janitorial, maintenance (within my God given abilities), and I open my own office. Every damn day. Get your act together - the days of arrogant king are over. However, the days of increasing profits have just began.
Cedric Cooper, DPM. Humboldt, TN, y2kcedric@hotmail.com
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