From: Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM
Wedges are not better than orthotics for cycling shoes! Feet can and do pronate while cycling, on and off the saddle. As for orthotic design, it's important that forefoot varus or valgus is addressed, as they directly affect knee alignment. Many times, I order met pads. I use TL2100, which can be thinner than what I use for gait. I use different orthotic designs, depending on the shoe, and may recommend a different shoe.
I agree that pedal "float" is very important. It was first introduced by Look and then picked up by Century (the same Look company made ski bindings.). I only wedge after I have stabilized the foot by placing the orthotic in the shoe, and then doing a bike set-up in a bike shop. Personally, I like "Frogs" (Speedplay clipless pedals) and Diadora road shoes.