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11/25/2013    Wm. Barry Turner, RN, DPM, CWS

Starting a Wound Care Center (Tip Sullivan, DPM)

I read Dr. Sullivan's note regarding a wound care
center. I feel that his reaching out via PM News
is a smart idea. Wound care centers, similar to
surgical centers, can be very profitable,
regardless if free-standing nor hospital based. I
frequently wonder if there are any statistics
available to show how many surgical centers
actually become profitable versus those that never

I wonder how many hospitals have been put in
financial ruin due to investing in wound care
centers. I have opened three free-standing wound
care centers. It is important to understand the
"business part" of running a wound care center.
Wound care centers can be profitable regardless if
free standing or hospital based. There is even
some speculation that a surgical center based
wound care center can bill "facility"codes for
wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The leading factor regarding the success of a
wound care center is the referral sources. I
recommend anyone that considers building a wound
care center, plan on a joint venture. The joint
venture may be just a group of physicians or with
hospital. The issue is referrals. If one person or
a hospital owns a wound care center they are
dependent on referrals. A physician who refers all
his wounds to some one else, loses revenue and
will eventually stop referring patients.

If the wound care center is a joint venture with
podiatrist, vascular surgeons, family practice....
the group will support the wound care center and
success is much more likely. My thoughts are would
you rather have 100% of $ 100 or 5% 100,000?

Wm. Barry Turner, RN, DPM, CWS, Royston, GA,

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