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Editor’s note: On this, the 12th anniversary of 9/11, we continue our proud tradition of publishing the following note from the editor, which was published in PM News on 9/12/01 and circulated via the Internet throughout the world.

It is just after 3 AM here in New York City and I simply can't sleep. Looking out the window of my bedroom on the 17th floor, there is an unobstructed view of the Manhattan skyline. I search again for the once familiar sight of the two tall white buildings that marked the lower end of the skyscraper-filled island. All I see are some eerie search lights of the rescue crews.

Like everyone else, I have been in shock all day, particularly since I witnessed in real-time the morbid views of the second plane hitting the World Trade Center and the sequential collapse of both towers.

World Trade Center 9/11/01

The gamut of emotions runs from shock, fear, sadness, to anger. Barely one half-century after the Holocaust, despite all our technological advances, man remains uncivilized. The realization sets in that the terrorists who committed this crime could have and still could set off a nuclear bomb, killing millions. The safety and security we have taken for granted in America is and will never be the same.

My phone has been ringing all day. Family and friends call to determine that everyone is safe. My mom calls to tell me my brother was scheduled to be at the WTC at 9 AM and was at the subway station when the first plane hit. Had the plane hit five minutes later, he would have been on an elevator headed for certain death.

Unfortunately, many thousands were not so lucky, including many employees of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, which only a few years ago moved from midtown to this location. There will be many tears shed as the names of those murdered in this horrific disaster become known, many unnecessary funerals to attend. So many innocent lives lost for no reason. So many families destroyed.

Later this morning, my wife and I will donate blood and attempt to do what we can in this time of crisis. We know the entire podiatric community will collectively pray for those affected by this catastrophe and provide whatever support is needed.


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