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08/28/2013    Philip Larkins, DPM

I Want to Work as a Podiatrist (Sarah Montgomery, DPM)

I offered a medical assistant job to Sarah here
in San Diego, and unfortunately, it could not be arranged. I truly hope that this doctor gets into the podiatry
field soon, as I told her in my e-mail. I truly
feel saddened and have a kindred heart with this
colleague. Sarah, you were wronged by your
profession and the proletariat group that formed
this cluster of nonsense that is known as
a "podiatry residency standard". This is obviously
a group of intellect devourers living and dining
in a white, ivory tower.

You and the rest of the unmatched podiatry
graduates have been long coming, and I am sorry
that no administrator or educator or fellow
student warned you of this. I saw this horrible
cloud of unmatched residents looming on the
horizon back in year 2000, as I was an unmatched
soul looking for an out back then as well.

Somehow, I scrounged up a paltry program that
should have had a flame thrower taken to it many
years before, but this got me a foot in the door
for a real residency program the following year.
Sadly, this option is no longer available to you
because of the impetus for podiatry to streamline
their education profile.

Here is what I have to say to you, Sarah; do not
despair, do not give up. Think about the times in
school that you were the force, the guiding
light. Your fellow students for sure relied on
you many times for their educational lives during
their time, and now, the deed will be repaid in
spades. Please do not forget nor exaggerate the
fact that you are a doctor, and are able to
dispense the full armament of knowledge that a
physician has at the helm. Expand your mind,
forget about podiatry in the purest sense, work
on humanity and the care it requires, it is still

Podiatry has abandoned you and your unmatched
colleagues, and I stand by you all, and any
future endeavor you may have in the wheelhouse.

Philip Larkins, DPM, San Diego, CA,

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