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08/14/2013    Steve Pribut, DPM

CA Podiatrist Discusses Heel Pain and Achilles Tendonitis

I am aware of the news section highlighting what
is said by and of podiatrists in the news media.
And I realize how difficult it can be to educate
the journalist interviewing you on topics of
which they know little.

I wanted to point out once again information
about a battle I believed we had won years ago.
It is the battle of words and thoughts that
chronic tendon issues are not "tendinitis" but
considered tendinopathy. PM News has covered this
well and there is a recent CME that reviews this
and other running issues in two parts. This and
other articles over more than the last 5 years
have covered the topic well.

The link to the CME article, published in PM
Magazine in April 2013 is:

There are two parts to this article, both are
easy to find on the PM Magazine website under

Take your time to understand the problems
affecting feet and then take extra time to
explain them to the journalists writing about
them. The more they communicate on current
concepts and terminology the less time you'll
need to take to explain it to your patients. I do
cheat a little on explaining this in the course
of an office visit, but I always make the
attempt. I explain "tendinopathy" as the nice,
new, and much longer word to describe what we
previously called "tendinitis". A journalist may
like the extra 5-7 minutes it will take to
explain it and think better of your for
respecting their intelligence enough to
understand the real answer.

Steve Pribut, DPM, Washington, DC,

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