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07/24/2013    Robert Kornfeld, DPM

Unmatched Residency Placements Currently Stand at 86 (Unmatched Podiatric Graduate)

I am quite amazed at unmatched podiatry
graduate's "polite restraint" when, in
fact ,there is certainly cause for outright
rage. Instead of going on medication to deal
with the stress of being "left out in the cold",
this thoughtful and centered DPM should be in a
residency program. Am I surprised that
administrators have turned their back on this
and all of the other unmatched DPMs? Absolutely
not. I have been in podiatry my entire life (my
father was a 1950 graduate of NYCPM).

I am a 1980 graduate of NYCPM. My experience in
podiatry has been excellent personally (because
I refused to settle for anything less), however,
I have never felt that podiatry was a solid
profession. We have always had major issues with
in-fighting, back-stabbing and insecurity. In
many cases, insecurity has led to demonizing
some of the pioneers in this profession. Buck-
passing has also been malignant in podiatry.
Now, we are faced with the unforgivable act of
graduating DPMs who cannot get residency
training and therefore cannot practice. Their
diplomas are useless.

I personally offered to create a training
program for these grads and was completely
ignored by the profession as well as the elite
podiatry "politicians". The only responses I
received (other than from some of the interested
unmatched grads) were very negative with no name
given. Anytime I receive an email from a
podiatrist with no name, I am aware that this is
a person who uses fear as his compass. I do not.

I am outspoken about many of the ills I see in
this profession as well as the paradigm that I
practice in. I am always open and honest.

So in view of the situation that exists, coupled
with the fact that I made a very generous offer
which went ignored, I will no longer support any
organization that I believe does not have the
best interests of the profession in mind. I am
tired of witnessing self-serving politics.

Robert Kornfeld, DPM, Manhasset, NY,

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