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06/24/2013    Hartley Miltchin, DPM

Scholl Dean Praises School's Co-Founder

In 1982, as soon-to-be graduates from the
Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine (ICPM), we
as a graduating class, were informed that the
college was changing its name to Scholl. As we
progressed through our education from day one, we
were taught how Scholl products do not really
provide any medical care for foot problems. We
were reminded that you do not buy prescription
eye glasses off the shelf, as you would not buy
orthotics off the shelf.

Our education involved two courses in
biomechanics and much practice, while in school,
to create the perfect cast, in order to prescribe
an orthotic for a patient. Now, when dollars come
into play, sound reasoning goes 'out the window'.
The 5 million dollars that ICPM received was an
amount that was frozen and the school only
received the interest on that money annually.

The midstream graduating class of 1982 sued the
school to allow us to graduate without the Scholl
diploma and we lost. When we appealed, the school
told us if we would drop the suit we could have
ICPM on our diplomas. That was deceptive as it
never happened that way!

I am not proud to have graduated from the Scholl
College. The diplomas came in and all had Scholl
on them. Does the deceit and deception ever stop?
Now we have the dean of Scholl endorsing Dr.
Scholl. She should have done her homework and
found out how Dr. Scholl got his MD degree. She
should know that, the Scholl name, in my opinion,
and others only diminishes the difficult course
curriculum that needs to be passed in order to
become a podiatric physician.

Is the Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine a 4
week degree program or 4-year program?. There
would be no questioning of degree difficulty if
we were the Harvard School of Podiatry. Yet 31
years later, when competition amongst healthcare
providers grows steeper for patients and access
to proper foot care is now being served by many
health care professionals, we still hold on to
the Scholl name.

The Dean should have tried one day, in private
practice, to realize what that name means and
does to the podiatry profession. Then again, you
have a Scholl name on a healthcare campus that
has had to change their name a few times in the
past 15 years.

By the way, the 5 million dollars, never went to
the podiatry school, it went to Chicago Medical
School when Scholl moved to their campus. So much
for a smart financial move. Now my patients tell
me they can go into Costco, stand on a Scholl
computerized pressure 2D scanner and are the able
to purchase 2 pairs of "orthotics", on the spot,
for $64.00. A good video to watch is at the
following link:

Hartley Miltchin, DPM, Toronto, Canada,

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