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05/06/2013    Michael L. Brody, DPM

Purchasing a Digital X-Ray System (Raymond Posa)

Mr. Posa's goes into great length to describe the
differences between CR and DR, and claims that CR
is not true digital radiology. Scholarly papers
refer to CR - computed radiography as digital
radiography. The only place I have seen claims
that CR is not true digital radiography is in
literature by DR manufacturers.

Please remember the POWER of digital radiology is
not in the image capture, but in the tools you
have at your disposal to enhance the images such
as magnification, contrast, drawing angles on the
screen, and measurement. Both systems will
produce quality diagnostic images. It is
unfortunate when posts about technology focus on
the technology and salesmanship rather on how the
technology can be utilized by podiatrists to
improve quality of care. Let's keep the cart in
front of the horse.

There is a very good article that can be found at

that provides an excellent overview of the
systems. The bottom line - the FDA considers
both system to be of high diagnostic quality.

Each and every system has its advantages and
disadvantages. A system with the plates built
into the orthoposer may be best for you. A system
where the plates can 'travel' to any location you
need may be best for you. A CR or DR System may
be best for you. The important take home message
is that there are many options and each and every
option will give you a high quality digital image
that you can utilize as a diagnostic tool in your
Look at how you practice and what features you
need in a digital X ray system. Think about the
short-term costs and the long-term costs. Look at
all of the offerings and select the one that
seems best for you. Every system I have seen at
podiatry shows will provide you with quality
diagnostic images, whether DR or CR.

Michael L. Brody, DPM, Commack, NY,

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