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12/20/2004    Dwight L. Bates, DPM

Certified Shoe Fitter

Query: Certified Shoe Fitter

I saw an ad by Dr. Zen for Medicare "diabetic
shoes" which would be fitted by a "Certified
Shoe Fitter" who would do this in client's
home. What is a" Certified Shoe Fitter"?

Dwight L. Bates, DPM
Dallas, TX

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12/24/2004    Dwight L. Bates, DPM

Certified Shoe Fitters?

RE: Certified Shoe Fitters?

From the replies to this forum, it appears that
there is no such entity as a "Certified Shoe
Fitter" as I saw advertised for "Diabetic
Shoes" covered by Medicare. However, it is a
good idea for all communities to have competent
shoe fitters. Shoe fitting need not be done by a
doctor to be done correctly. Podiatry should
take the lead in training these new members of
the healthcare team. These shoe fitters will
refer to the discipline that trains them.

Dwight L. Bates, DPM
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of
Family Practice
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School

12/22/2004    Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM

Certified Shoe Fitter (Dwight Bates, DPM)

RE: Certified Shoe Fitter (Dwight Bates, DPM)
From: Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM

Boy does this hit a raw nerve. If my memory
serves, I worked very hard to get that piece of
paper with the Illinois College of Podiatric
Medicine's name on it. Now, anyone can register
for a course in pedorthics and get a college of
podiatric medicine's name on that coveted piece
of paper. Pedorthist -- podiatrist, how many of
Jay Leno's Jaywalk All Stars could tell you the
difference? I ask you in all sincerity, isn't
that what the retail pedorthist is hoping for.

I can't believe that a good number of you have
not had patients come to your office after
being "examined" by a pedorthist and being
sold "arch supports" just like a doctor would
prescribe (Avoiding using the word,
podiatrist!). Two months ago, a new patient told
me that the shoe person in the store (The one
she mentioned has 2 pedorthists.) told that her
diabetes was well under control. Her M. D. told
me, "Not in this lifetime."

Who is fooling who? Our colleges have sold out
our profession. As far as the multitude of
advanced certifications available to physicians,
most of us probably follow things that hold a
special interest, but, all of this is built on
the base of what makes us podiatrists: general
foot care, surgery, and orthotics. Nurses want
to perform general foot care. Orthopedic
surgeons think that only they should do foot
surgery. And, retail pedorthists think they are
our equal when it comes to arch supports. So,
how should we define ourselves from this point
forward? Maybe our offices need to look more
like shoes stores? Maybe general merchandise
drug stores? Maybe health supplement stores? Or,
maybe we should just strive for the medical
professional look!

Robert Scott Steinberg, DPM
Hoffman Estates, IL

12/21/2004    Paul Kesselman, DPM

Certified Shoe Fitter (Dwight Bates, DPM)

RE: Certified Shoe Fitter (Dwight Bates, DPM)
From: Paul Kesselman, DPM

Yes, there are is a push to have a certifying
examination in shoe fitting. It would create a
position junior to the C. Ped. I'm sure you
would agree that DPM's should not take an exam,
that a HS grad in a retail store would need to
take. Please see:
issues-09-09-03.shtml for
more info.

I have always believed that knowledge not only
provides one with the
skills needed to provide excellent care, but it
empowers one to keep anyone from denying you the
ability to provide that care. Many DPM's could
use more knowledge about shoe gear, orthotics,
surgery, etc.

To take a 120 hour course to become a C. Ped
however, is overkill, and
not possible for most solo practice DPM's. The
solution is the American Board of Multiple
Specialties in Podiatry. They have a
certification examination in Prevention and
Treatment of Diabetic Foot Wounds and in
Diabetic Foot Wear. Please see: for
more information. Studying and taking this
examination will provide you with the knowledge
you need, while simultaneously supporting your

Paul Kesselman, DPM
Woodside, NY


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