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04/11/2013    Joe Agostinelli, DPM

RE: HBOT Supervision (Stan Gorgol, DPM)

In 1986, I was fortunate enough to be the first
non-MD/DO/nurse hyperbaric oxygen therapy health
care provider to take the Air Force HBO course.
At my base at the time, we had the largest HBO
chamber with the ability to even operate in this
chamber. The reasoning I gave to be a must
attendee to the course was that 90 percent of
the patients in that chamber were referred by me
because of diabetic and or dysvascular non-
healing ulcerations.

I do not know what courses certify you to be a
HBO treatment provider now , but are they at
least 7 full days with certification after
successfully completing the course? The reason
to attend and become certified for HBO therapy
should not be a billing issue, but a patient
advocacy issue. The main reason to take the
course in the AF was because of altitude-related
medical problems in AF pilots.

The only indication approved at that time other
than for nitrogen air bubble treatments was for
osteo radial necrosis in the oral surgery/dental
arena. Incidentally, HBO has been used for
ulcer, post radiation for prostate cancer
treatments, PTBS, Parkinson's ,memory therapy,
etc., some reimbursable by insurance some not.

I am close friends with the owner of two local
HBO treatment facilities, and I can tell you
there is a problem with reimbursements , having
nothing to do with degree after the name of the
provider. In my opinion, I think we should be
able to bill for treatments within our scope of
practice and outside of our scope if we are
actually in the chamber with the patients, not
supervising on the outside looking in!

I preface this with the healthcare provider
taking a valid certification course in HBO
therapy and successfully completing this course.
It would be interesting to see how many DPM s
actually have become HBO certified providers.

Joe Agostinelli, DPM, Niceville, FL,

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