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02/13/2013    Raymond J. Uscinski, DPM

Equality For Podiatry

Is the APMA misguided or moving too slow to
advance the podiatric profession? This is the
question that I have wrestled with for over 40

The American Association of Medical Colleges
projects a physician shortage of 62,000
physicians in the U.S. by 2015 due to the
increased medical needs of an aging population
and a growing number of people who will be
insured under the Affordable Care Act of 2010. I
am confident that our podiatric medical schools
can be adjusted to partially fill this shortage.
We know that podiatric medical schools are
superior in education and training to that of
many of the foreign physicians that are filling
these shortage gaps. Most of these physicians
gain their knowledge and experience after
entering medical residencies in this country.

Most of us are aware of the subtle
discriminations that still exists by MD’s toward
podiatrists. If we are not one of them, then we
are something else! Many of our three year
residency trained graduates may become
discouraged with the financial burdens of
beginning a solo practice. Many may not be able
to join group practices. Many will be frustrated
when the majority of referrals will go to the
orthopods that specialize in foot and ankle
procedures. Many will be forced to compete with
PA’s, beauty shops, nail salons, shoe stores,
and Wal-Mart custom orthotics to subsidize their
incomes. Our young podiatrists deserve better!

When I was a podiatric medical student, we were
told by some of our professors that the
transition to physician MD status would happen
within 20 years. It has now been over 40 years
and here in Pennsylvania we still practice under
the Chiropody Act of 1956. I pray that I will
live to see the day when a young energetic group
of leaders can obtain the rights that this
profession now deserves. I hope you never give
up the fight.

Raymond J. Uscinski, DPM, Bradford, PA,

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