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01/28/2013    Daniel Grapel, DPM

Be Prepared for Healthcare Changes (Joseph Borreggine, DPM)

While I agree with 80% of Dr. Borriggine's
extensive post, allow me some remarks. I think
that the comparison with dentistry is not
proper. While many aspects of our profession can
be performed by orthopedists, dermatologists or
physical therapists, dentistry can ONLY be
practiced by dentists. Nobody else! In addition,
while about 60-70% of all people ever visit a
dentist, how many visit a podiatrist? I doubt if
more than 10%. This is a huge difference.

Dentistry never had to prove the value to the
public since poor dental health can have
immediate deleterious affects. With podiatry, it
is not so clear (with few exceptions).The
ongoing monumental healthcare changes are very
clear. As a result, in the last five years, the
percentage of solo practitioners in all medical
fields has decreased from 70% to 40%! And the
pace is accelerating. Many internists retire
earlier than ever before.

On a personal note, in the last 7 years, two of
my own internists retired at age 63. Both are
excellent clinicians with great reputations in
great hospitals. Both were sick and tired of the
constant struggle even though they did NOT
accept ANY insurance. One of them is teaching
residents at New York Hospital. At the same
time, North Shore University have admitted the
second group of medical students at their
Hofstra University campus. The numbers are
astounding ! They had 5034 applicants and only
700 were interviewed and ONLY 60 were admitted
(a 1.1% acceptance rate).Of that group, 32 were
females and 28 males. Food for thought.

Daniel Grapel, DPM, Bayside, NY,

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