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05/07/2012    Mealey's Jury Verdicts & Settlements

Alleged Medical Neglience Resulting in Amputation (AZ)

Plaintiffs alleged that Defendant, a licensed
podiatrist, was medically negligent related to
care and treatment he provided to Mr. Bullock
between April 15, 2003, and October 22, 2007. He
alleges Defendant's medical negligence
proximately caused him an amputation of his
right fifth metatarsal and toe on October 27,
2007, performed by Dr. Twena. Mr. Bullock
alleges as a result of the amputation he has
certain disabilities.

Plaintiff, Douglas Bullock established care with
his primary doctor Dr. J, on October 28, 2002
who referred Bullock to Defendant because Mr.
Bullock was a diabetic with peripheral
neuropathy who needed diabetic foot care. Mr.
Bullock first saw Defendant on April 15, 2003,
for right foot infection and was treated for a
severe callus on the plantar aspect of the fifth
metatarsal head on right foot.

The callus was debrided, X-rays taken and
appropriate shoes were recommended. Defendant
provided ongoing treatment to Mr. Bullock from
June 2004 through October 22, 2007 for right
foot proper footcare, calluses, lesions,
ulcerations, which, at times, became infected.
Defendant prescribed various oral antibiotics
for Mr. Bullock's numerous recurring infections
over the four-year period.

In January 2007, Mr. Bullock saw Dr. J for his
opinion regarding his ongoing foot issues. Mr.
Bullock reported that he has been on Keflex, 500
mg, ordered by Defandant, for most of the time
since Thanksgiving 2006. At that time Dr. J
noticed a thick brown drainage from his right
foot wound on the plantar aspect near the fifth
MTP, which was being treated by Defendant with
oral antibiotics.

On October 19, 2007, Mr. Bullock was seen by Dr.
J for evaluation of right fifth plantar MTP
diabetic foot ulcer. On October 22, 2007, Mr.
Bullock had an exacerbation with cellulitis of
the dorsal aspect of the foot and a draining
ulcer in the base of the right fifth, possible
fourth metatarsophalangeal joint.

Mr. Bullock saw Defendant the week of October
15, 2007. Defandant, who initially treated Mr.
Bullock with Keflex, changed Bullock to Cipro
750 mg twice a day, and then again changed him
to Levaquin once daily.

On October 25, 2007 when Mr. Bullock saw Dr. J
for a follow-up on his right foot, he reported
that he had been on Levaquin prescribed by
Defendant for four days but his foot was slowly
looking worse. Dr. Johnston decided that because
Bullocks cellulitis was not responding to
Levaquin, he needed to be admitted to the
hospital for intravenous antibiotics, MRI of
right foot with nuclear medicine triple phase
bone scan, infectious disease consultation, and
perhaps orthopedic consultation for bone biopsy.

Mr. Bullock was admitted to TMC on October 27,
2007, where he had amputation of the right fifth
metatarsal and toe performed by Dr. Twena. Mr.
Bullock was followed for his infection by
infectious disease specialist, Dr. C.

On November 27, 2007 Mr. Bullock was admitted to
St. Joseph's Hospital for a non-healing
amputation site right lateral foot, ongoing
drainage and necrotic tissue in wound. Follow-up
treatments were done and the wound completely
was healed by February 21, 2008.

Defendant denied the allegations, and asserted
he provided appropriate medical care and
treatment to Mr. Bullock. He denied his
treatment caused Mr. Bullock to need an
amputation of his toe or caused Mr. Bullock's
alleged disabilities.

Result: Defendant's verdict ($0)

Plaintiff Expert: John Anthony Ciccone, DPM, El
Cajon, CA

Defendant Expert(s): Lewis Freed, DPM, Dr. James
Malone, vascular surgeon

Source: Mealey's Jury Verdicts & Settlements

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