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02/06/2012    Ken Katz

Sammy Systems (Jack Ressler, DPM)

I have been following this thread with great
interest am extremely pleased and proud that the
majority of the comments have been quite
positive. Even the recent post from one of our
alleged customers that references issues with
the E-Prescribing system is positive, he stated
that he is a "satisfied Sammy customer" but
his/her information is not up to date. At Sammy
we take the comments and feedback we receive
from our current and future customers very
seriously. In fact most of the enhancements we
have made to our EHR have been the result of
feedback we have received.

Our engineers and the engineers with our
partners are actively working to improve the e-
Prescribing interface that is built into our
software. This has been an ongoing process and
we will continue to work on this until all of
our customers are 100% satisfied. While all eRx
systems use the internet, someone could be down
due to their own connection as our partner's
system is up and available just as much as any
others. Doctors should consider this when
settling on an internet only system.

We have implemented an interface with Bako
Pathology Laboratories so that Sammy clients can
receive Pathology reports electronically from
Bako, and we have a DICOM-compliant interface to
communicate with DICOM digital radiology units.
We communicate bi-directionally with TigerView
digital radiology units, and we have implemented
communication with some of the ultrasound and
vascular units that are in used in podiatry

This is only a small list of the recent
enhancements we have made to Sammy EHR giving
the podiatrist the most innovative and easy to
use tools available today. We have been
servicing podiatry for over 26 years and will
continue to improve Sammy and add new features
to meet the needs of podiatry today and in the
future. We thank our clients for making this

Ken Katz, CEO, ICS Software,

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